Lecture 24 and 25 : Hearing Flashcards
what is frequency of sound measured in?
what stem frequency equation?
what is amplitude measured in?
deciBel (dB)
speed of a sound is ______ in a given _____
what is the outer ear?
location-dependent sound collector.
what is the middle ear?
- impedance-matching transformer
- a protector (from loud sound)
- a static pressure equaliser.
auditory system processes sounds in how many streams?
in 2 parallel streams
What is sound?
Sound is essentially a wave of molecules coming together and splitting apart
What is condensation?
An increased pressure on a sound wave results in what is known as condensation (compression)
Name the two parallel streams?
dorsal cochlear nucleus
lateral lemniscus
What is the primary auditory cortex?
The structure of the auditory cortex is similar to that of the visual cortex
It consists of many layers, in which each to their own are responsible for detecting certain frequencies
What do the pinna and the concha do?
funnel sounds into the external auditory meatus
How does sound pass through the middle ear?
sound has to pass from air into the cochlear fluids
Water tends to reflect sound
How do the ossicles concentrate the sound?
The ossicles act to concentrate the sound from a large area (the tympanic membrane) to a smaller area (oval window)
Allows better transmission of sound from air to cochlea
what do the ossicles consist of?
scala vestibuli
scala media
scala tympani
what do travelling sound waves result from?
Travelling waves result from interactions between fluid pressure and basilar membrane mechanics (mass, stiffness and damping).
Sound energy ‘travels’ (like energy along a flicked rope) from base towards apex… but the distance that each spectral component travels depends on its frequency.
What is the mechanical excitation of hair cells? (1)
Upwards movement of BM leads to outwards movement of stereocilia
The tips of the outer hair cell stereocilia are firmly embedded in the TM (tectorial membrane), so the BM-OHC coupling is ‘displacement’ coupling.
What is the mechanical excitation of hair cells? (2)
The tips of the inner hair cell stereocilia are not firmly embedded in the TM. They may simply be ‘dragged’ around by fluid flow in the sub-tectorial space (e.g viscous coupling)
What is the Organ of Corti’s role in the mechanical excitation of hair cells?
- Converts transverse motion of basilar membrane into
* Shearing motion of hair cell stereocilia. (colours depict hair cell depolarisation and hyperpolarisation)
how are sound localisation cues formed?
• Sound intensities decrease with increasing distance from the source
• Depending on direction of the sound source in relation to the inter-aural axis (line connecting both ears), these characteristics lead to two separate cues for sound localisation:
◦ Inter-aural time differences (ITDs)
◦ Inter-aural level differences (ILDs)
What is Inter-aural time difference?
ITDs are maximal when sound source lies on interaural axis.
ITDs scale with head size, max for humans = 0.6 ms
What is Inter-aural level difference?
ILDs depend on head size and frequency (sound shadows depend on size of shadowing object (e.g. head) relative to wavelength of sound).
ILDs negligible below 2 kHz – long wavelength sounds diffract (bend) too well
Where does the vestibular nuclei lead to?
Ascending pathway from the vestibular nuclei leads to thalamus (VPN) and then to two cortical areas.
These are integrative centres (they receive additional sensory information) that are used to build up a picture of body position (vestibular cortex)
How do the semi-circular canals respond to angular acceleration? (1)
- The increase in firing is due to the endolymph lagging behind the head movement and thus displacing the cupula in the opposite direction (endolymph is fluid and therefore exhibits inertia)
- The decrease occurs as the endolymph catches up with the head movement.
How do the semi-circular canals respond to angular acceleration? (2)
- Now head decelerates but endolymph keeps moving, displacing the cupula back in the opposite direction*, eventually it too ceases moving (4).
* with a resulting decrease in firing.
What does a clockwise rotation lead to ? (1)
- Clockwise rotation leads to excitation of right horizontal SSC and inhibition of left horizontal SSC.
- Via 2 groups of motor neurones controlling the eye muscles, this leads to a reflex anticlockwise movement of the eyes, ensuring that the image of a fixated object stays still on the retina.
What does a clockwise rotation lead to ? (2)
• If rotation is continuous, the anti c/w (left) movements of the eyes are interrupted by fast eye movements c/w, producing a “saw-tooth” pattern called nystagmus. Anti c/w rotation would also produce nystagmus, but the movements would be opposite (a mirror image).