Lecture 23: Blood Microstructure, Content (2/2) Flashcards
formation and development of blood cells
very few starting cells produce massive numbers of mature cells
pleuropotent cell
undifferentiated cell, can give rise to all cell lineages
what influences hematopoetic stem cell differentiation
are hematopoetic stem cells pleuripotent?
most evidence- only produce blood cells, not other organs, although some info says can make cardiac tissue
longest living blood cells?
red blood cells, 4 month survival
most abundant blood cell in body?
red blood cell, 1000x more than white cells
platelet function
clotting, stop bleeding
where is blood produced
bone marrow
yellow marrow
red marrow
cellular tissue
largest cell in bone marrow, gives rise to platelets
survival time of granulocyte
< 10 hours
survival time of platelets
1 week
how many blood cells lost/replaced every day?
approximately 10 x 10^12
carry oxygen
fight infection
hemostasis - control bleeding
types of blood cells
erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes
types of blood plasma
electrolytes, proteins, lipids
electrolyte function
maintain tonicity
plasma protein function
albumin, globulins (antibodies), clotting factors- stop bleeding
plasma lipids function
how much blood in avg person?
5L (70 cc/kg)
how blood cells differ from other cells
short life span (except lymphocytes, macrophages)
multiplicity of cell types
widely distributed throughout body (only liquid tissue in body)
bone marrow must respond quickly to emergent need for additional cells (7-8x)
hematopoetic stem cells maintained throughout life, through self-renewal process
how many blood cells produced daily?
10 trillion
immature RBC in bone marrow
nucleated (big -> small -> extruded) then cell enters peripheral blood
erythrocytes exhibit what kind of coloration on smear?
polychromasia- many colors
newborn erythrocytes
count these in an anemic pt; if count is low, bone marrow problem; if have enough, problem is in peripheral blood
characteristic of normal small mature lymphocyte
has area of central pallor
shape of RBC
biconcave disc
why is RBC not a perfect sphere?
disc shape increases surface area:volume ratio
functions of RBC per shape
- increased SA means more gas exchange between oxygen to tissue, CO2 away from tissue
- deformability- must fit through smallest tiny capillaries in blood
structure of RBC membrane allows for what?
slippery; doesn’t adhere to endothelial cells, doesn’t aggregate
RBC membrane structural components
- lipid bilayer- slipper, impeded adherence
- integral membrane proteins- chloride-bicarbonate exchange (band 3)
- cytoskeleton proteins- maintain cellular shape, deformability, tensile strength