Lecture 2: PIAGET Flashcards
What is the main concept behind the theory?
- The theory is a constructionist theory
What are schemas?
- mental representations
change through: - Assimilation: integration of new input into existing schema
- Accommodation: adjustment of existing info due to disequilibrium.
What are the 4 stages of development?
- Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years)
- Pre-operational (2-7)
- Pre- conceptual stage (2-4)
- The intuitive thought (4-7) - The concrete operational stage (7-12)
- The formal operational stage (12 + )
Sensorimotor Stage
increasingly able to explore using their sensory motor system.
Begin to develop mental representations
Object permanence (things exist when hidden)
Self awareness
The pre- operational stage
The pre conceptual stage Egocentrism: Piaget and Inhelder the three mountain task (4 year olds cant do it, 6 year olds pick a view different from their own but not the correct one, 7/8 year olds correct) Pretend play Reduction in animism The intuitive thought stage Develop symbolic thought same object can be different sizes systematically order or group items Conservation
The concrete operational stage
metacognition conserve weight height reversibility cause and effect concrete thinking
The formal operational stage
hypothetical reasoning
complex conclusions
some children develop earlier
children might be taught
abstract thinking might come much later
tasks are too advanced.
Specific limitation:
Object permanence could come earlier
Bower (1972) infants show surprise when items disappear
Mental representations might develop earlier
Meltzoff and Moore (1994) infants can still bend their tongue after 24 hours.
egocentrism - limitation
Borke (1975) when the 3 mountain task was reworded using sesame street characters 3-5 year olds pass.
Hughes (1975) found that 3 year olds can hide a naughty doll from the police.
conservation limitation
McGarringle and Donaldson (1974) naughty teddy got muddled - 4 year olds answered
Light et al (1979) 70% 4 year olds demonstrated it if explained
when does egocentricm develop ?
Pre- operational stage Piaget and Inhelder 3 mountain task 4 yr olds - fail 5 yr olds - learn 7/8 yr olds pass
Darner and Day (1977) Stages
The stages are not accurate, abstract thinking deveops much later than 12, sometimes never.