Lecture 2, part 2 Flashcards
What is an example of a case definition based on laboratory criteria?
Isolation of C. trachomatis by culture
Demonstration of C. trachomatis in a clinical specimen by detection of antigen or nucleic acid
What are case detection challenges in chlamydia?
Often asymptomatic, so lab detection for active infection depends on routine screening
Blood serology for antibodies
Testing tech changed over time to more sensitive tests, so have cases really gone up, or is it just better testing?
Cases more likely to be reported electronically
Definition of population
A group of ppl with some common characteristic such as:
Place of residence
In relation to a medical facility
Occurrence of a life event
An investigation can focus on what?
Either on the entire pop, or just a subset of that pop
-Generalize back to the larger group
What pop is the pop for which you would like to make conclusions?
Target pop
Definition of fixed pops
Membership is relatively permanent and often defined by a singular event
-Once a person experiences the event, they remain part of the pop for life
Exs of fixed pops
Atomic bomb survivors
Vets of Vietnam war
Birth cohorts
Enrollment in a study
Definition of dynamic pops
Membership is transient and defined by current status
-Person is a member only as long as they meet the definition of the pop
-Ppl cease to be members when they no longer meet the definition
Exs of dynamic pops
Residents of the city of Boston
Professional football players
Women who have given birth within the past 12 mos
Time is a _____ ______ based on the question being studied
relative unit
What are the various methods of counting time?
Calendar time (minutes, hours, days)
Period or point in life (ex: birth, age range)
Relation to external events
For time you need what two things?
A beginning and an end
Time is often _____, depending on the study
Definition of ratios
A fraction of two mutually exclusive groups
Characteristics of ratios
Used mostly as an effect parameter
Mostly descriptive
Has the form A/B
Numerator is unrelated to the denominator
Does not imply any particular relationship btwn A and B
Ranges from 0 to infinity
Definition of proportion
Type of ratio that relates a part to a whole
Characteristics of proportions
Used to describe the composition of a whole/descriptive measure
Numerator is a subset of the denominator
A/(A + B)
Often expressed as a percentage
Ranges from 0 to 1
Definition of rate
Measures the speed at which events occur in a given pop over a specified period of time (velocity)
Characteristics of rates
Used to compare frequency of events in different pops, places, or times
Numerator = # of events
Denominator = pop at risk for the event
Dimension of 1/time
Ranges from 0 to infinity
Definition of prevalence
A measure of the proportion of ppl in a pop who have a dz at a specific point in time, the existing burden of dz
What is the purpose of prevalence?
Provides a snapshot of dz in the pop
What are common measures of prevalence?
Point prevalence
Period prevalence
Definition of incidence
The number of new cases of dz that occur during a specified period of time in a pop at risk for developing the dz
Purpose of incidence
Provides idea of how quickly new cases are occurring
Common measures of incidence
Incidence rate
Cumulative incidence