Lecture 1A part 1 Flashcards
What is public health according to WHO?
All organized measures (whether public or private) to prevent dz, promote health, and prolong life among the pop as a whole
What is the aim of PH according to WHO?
Provide maximum benefit for the largest number of ppl
What is the definition of PH according to the CDC?
The science and art of preventing dz, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, orgs, public and private communities, and individuals
What are exs of PH actions?
Develop policies to protect or promote health
Prevent dz and injury by promoting healthy lifestyles
Implement educational programs
Administer health svcs
Conduct research
Regulate health systems
What does basic science study?
Animals in lab settings
What are the research goals of basic science?
Understanding dz mechanisms and the effects of substances
Exs of basic science
Who is studied in clinical science?
Sick pts who come to HC facilities seeking tx
What are the research goals of clinical science?
Improving dx and tx of dz
Exs of clinical science
Internal med
What is studied in PH science?
Pops or communities at large
Research goals of PH science
Prevention of dz
Promotion of health
Exs of PH science
Health education
Behavioral science
Environmental health science
PH approach steps
Surveillance (What is the problem?)
Risk factor identification (What is the cause?)
Intervention eval (What works?)
Implementation (How do you do it?)
What does epidemiology enable us to do?
Enables us to determine where dzs originate, how or why they move through pops, and how we can prevent them
What is PH surveillance used for?
To monitor a PH situation
What is the purpose of PH laboratories?
Support PH by performing tests to confirm dz diagnoses, conducting research, and training.
What is the purpose of PH informatics?
Deals with the methods for collecting, compiling, and presenting health info (particularly electronic data)
What does prevention effectiveness do?
Provides important economic info for decision and policy makers to help them choose the best prevention option available
What are the core sciences of public health?
Prevention effectiveness
What is the definition of epidemiology?
The study of the distribution and determinants of dz frequency in human pops and the application of this study to control health problems
Definition of study
Applies sound methods of scientific inquiry
Definition of distribution
Who, when where
Frequency and pattern of health events in a pop
Rate or risk of dz in pop (to allow valid comparisons across pops)
Definition of determinants
Characteristics that influence whether or not dz occurs (causal or preventive)
Help generate hypotheses
Can be risk factors or protective factors
Definition of dz
May refer to a broad range of health-related events/outcomes
Infectious, chronic dzs, genetic conditions, overall health and well-being