Lecture 2/5 - fågel Flashcards
What specie(s) are considered poultry?
Chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, Guinea fowl, pigeons, ostriches, quail, etc.
What are poultry raised for?
Meat, eggs, feathers/down, livers, entertainment, work
Hur har broilers ändrats de senaste åren?
Improving body weight by 50 g/year
Decrease marketing age by 0.7 day/year
Hur gammal och stor är en kyckling vid slakt?
35-42 days old
Live wt = 1.5 kg
Special characters of broilers:
Fast growth: about 35 g per day
Rapid feathering (2 wks brooding is enough)
High feed conversion efficiency: >2.0 kg feed: 1kg live
Varför vita fåglar?
White in color, as colored birds have pigmentation spots in their skin which is undesirable to the consumer
Hur kan man öka intaget av vettiga fetter från kyckling?
Genom att mata dem med mat som ändrar deras sammansättning
Both egg white and yolk has many functional properties. ge exempel
Binding activity Thickening activity/Coagulant Emulsification activity Clarification activity Foaming agent Coloring agent Anti-crystalization agent
Vad är det i egg folk är allergiska mot?
Ägg proteiner
ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, lysozyme
Hur påverkar egg kolestrolet?
Improve good cholesterol levels – increases in levels of “good” HDL cholesterol
Hur bildas ett egg?
Ägg kanalen - olika steg typ som mäniskan. pp
Hur byggs ett ägg upp
shell - porer i
membran med luft cell
gula med germinal disc och gulans membran
albumen - grej som håller kvar gulan - egg vitan
vilka 4 main parts finns i ägget?
Yolk - 31% egg white or albumen - 58% Shell - 11% shell membranes The total edible portion is 89 to 91%
Vad består eggyolk av
Water- 51–52%
Protein- 16–17%
Fat - 31–33%
egg vit composition
9.7-10.6% - protein
0.3% - lipid
0.4-0.9% - carbohydrate
0.5-0.6% - ash
86-87% - water
Nutritive value of egg
High quality protein
Important source of unsaturated fatty acid
Rich with minerals and vitamins - no vita C
Egg provides unique, well balanced nutrients
Protective food item
Low calorie level
Easy digestibility
Vilka egg Yolk lipids finns?
lipoprotein complexes
- triacylglycerol, phospholipid, and free cholesterol
Var finns phospholipids i egget?
Cellmembran (som i allt levande) viktig för hjärnans development
Monounsaturated fatty acids i egg
Palmitoleic acid (C16:1) Oleic acid (C18:1) Oleic acid (C18:1) - hypolipidemic
Omegafetter i egg
Omega-6 (n-6) and omega-3 (n-3)
linoleic acid
n-3 fatty acids α-linoleic acid (18:3n-3) Eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) Docosapentaenoic acid (22:5n-3) Docosahexaenoic acids (DHA, 22:6n-3)
Vilka är gulans färgivare?
0.02% av gulan
har en potentiell roll i syn och antioxidant actions
Vad sker vid lagring av ägg?
Water evaporation Air chamber increases in size - flyter pH increase -albumen 7.5 – 9.5 (due to diffusion of CO2 ) -yolk 6.0 –6.5 Albumen and yolk becomes more liquid Lipids migrate from yolk to albumen
Egg white proteins
ovalbumin and conalbumin
Vilka surface active substanser finns i ägg?
phospholipids - Livetins and lipovitellins
Lipoprotein – lecithins
Hur fungerar foaming av ägg?
Foam – colloidal dispersion gas i liquid
När äggvita vispas så fastnar luftbubblor i den
Under fortsatt vispning
- bubblorna minskar i storlek och ökar i antal
- albumen becomes opaque and moist
vad påvärkar the foam?
Factors affecting
- Methods of beating - Temperature - Adding ingredients - Freshness of eggs
Other properties and use of properties for egg?
Adhesive, stick ingredients, e.g. snacks and breads.
Keeping breads and frozen doughs from turning soggy, holds moisture
Improve texture and acceptability
Binding, hold food products together e.g. meat loaves
Clarification of wines and juices (albumen)
Glossy appearance
Act as pH buffer
Processed Egg Products - exempel?
Refrigerated (as liquid) Frozen (as liquid) Dried Specialty Products vegetarian, organic, cage-free, free-range, fertile, in-shell pasteurized nutrient-enhanced specialty eggs
Use of egg yolk powder?
Pharmaceutical applications och infant formulas
Hur kan man producera antibodies genom ägg
Man ger honan ett vaccin vilket sen medför att egg yolk hittas i egg youlk där det sen kan bli renad