Lecture 16: Abdominal Organs Flashcards
What is the parietal peritoneum sensitive too?
Pressure, touch, pain, heat, cold, laceration
What are the two types of peritoneum?
PARIETAL peritoneum => lines the internal surface of the abdominopelvic wall.
VISCERAL peritoneum => encloses the viscera such
as the stomach and spleen.
What is the visceral peritoneum sensitive to?
Pressure ( stretching ) and pain
What are some RETROPERITONEAL organs
Kidney, duodenum and pancreas
What are some INTRAPERITONEAL organs?
Spleen and stomach
What is the purpose of the transverse mesocolon?
anchors transverse colon to posterior abdominal wall and creates supra- and infa-colic compartments.
What is the omentum?
Double-layered extension of peritoneum
Where is the epiploic foramen located?
Near gall bladder,between greater and lesser omental sac.
The greater and lesser sac communicate via what structure?
epiploic foramen
What supplies blood to the spleen?
Splenic artery branch of coeliac trunk
In which quadrant is the spleen located?
Left hypochondriac region
The ligamentum teres or the round ligament of the liver use to be what?
Umbilical vein
What attaches the liver to anterior abdominal wall?
Falciform ligament
A fractured rib can tear the liver causing what? Where does this pain generate to?
Causes a haemorrhage, pain in right upper quadrant
What is runners stitch?
Liver receives large amount of blood immediately before it enters heart = > can become engorged => pain in RIGHT
All venous drainage from the GI tract enters the liver via what vessels?
Blood from GIT, pancreas, gallbladder spleen enter the hepatic PORTAL VEIN => liver sinusoids => HEPATIC VEINS => INFERIOR VENA CAVA=> heart
Small veins accompanying round ligament of
liver connects umbilicus with left branch of portal
vein as it enters the liver. *connection between what?
paraumbilical vessels and portal system
The portal hepatic vein is formed when what two vessels join at what level?
Splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein
What is Caput medusae?
Distention of paraumbilical veins on anterolateral abdominal wall due to liver cirrhosis.
Name the four lobes of the liver?
Left, right, caudate and quadrate
Portal veins vs hepatic veins
Portal vein drains blood from GIT;
hepatic veins drain blood from liver to IVC
What is the function of the gall bladder?
receives, stores and concentrates bile from liver.
The left and right hepatic ducts form what?
Common hepatic duct
The common hepatic duct branches into what two things?
Cystic duct and bile duct
The bile duct goes into either what two structures?
hepatopancreatic ampulla => major/greater duodenal papilla into duodenum OR the main pancreatic duct supplying the pancreas
What are Gallstones (cholelithiasis) ?
- Stone formation in gallbladder & extra-hepatic ducts.
- 10-20% of adults in developed countries.
Pain due to gallstones is referred to where?
just below right scapula (T6-T9 dermatomes) or even right shoulder if it irritates the diaphragm.
What occurs in bile obstruction?
jaundice -yellow discolouration of skin & sclera caused by billirubin accumulation in blood plasma
The pancreas extends along the transpyloric line at what vertebrae level?
Note: pancreatic cancer can represent as back pain
What are the major stimulus and the parasympathetic stimulus of the pancreas?
Major stimulus: secretin & cholecystokinin
Parasympathetic stimulus: vagus nerve
Innervation of abdominal organs?
Parasympathetic: vagus
Sympathetic:greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves.
-Pre-synaptic sympathetic fibres from IML (T1-L2) to ganglia on aorta
- Post-synaptic sympathetic fibres extend from
these ganglia to target organs.
What are the specific levels of the splanchnic nerves? Greater. Lesser. Least. Lumbar?
Greater splanchnic: T5-T9
Lesser splanchnic: T10-T11
Least splanchnic: T12
Lumbar splanchnic: L1- L2/L3
Where does Innervation of abdominal organs change to parasympathetic fibres?
Middle of sigmoid colon and travel back with S2-S4( pelvic splanchnic)