Lecture 15 Flashcards
What are the four/six types of learning?
- Perceptual learning: like identifying objects.
- Stimulus-response learning: (classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning)
- Classical conditioning: behavior as an automatic reaction to a stimulus.
- Instrumental/operant Conditioning: purposeful behavior for reward or punishment often using an instrument (lever)
- Motor Learning: like riding a bike
- Relational Learning: like knowing an object with 4 wheels is a car and navigating around a place. and episodic memory (relations in time)
What are the three steps of perceptual, stimulus-response and motor learning
- You learn to recognize a stimulus (perceptual)
- You learn what response to give to the stimulus(stimulus-response) (conditioning/instrumental)
- You learn what muscles to move for this behavior (motor learning)
Who invented classical conditioning? What did he teach the dog?
Ivan Pavlov. He thought a dog to salivate (CR) to the sound of a bell (CS) without any food (UR)
What happens on the neural level of classical conditioning (3 steps) with salivation to Bell/Food? Why is there already a connection between sound and food?
- Separate Neurons Perceive both the Food and the Sound of the Bell
- The Food Neuron is strongly connected to a salivation motor neuron and the Bell Sound neuron is weakly connected to the salivation motor neuron (because sound is sometimes relevant for food).
- After learning, the Bell perception neuron will also become connected to the salivation motor neuron (long-term Potentiation)
What is the Hebb Rule of neural firing?
“Neurons that fire together wire together”
How does NMDA make the requirements for LTP? (2) What are the requirements.
(The synapse needs to be active and at the same time the postsynaptic neuron needs to be depolarized)
1. NMDA receptor has a magnesium ion blocking it.
2. The Magnesium Ion only becomes unblocked when the neuron depolarized.
What does Calcium do for LTP when the NMDA receptor lets it trough? 4 steps What is an AMPA receptor?
- Calcium Flows into the cell
- Calcium activates the CAM-KII enzyme which attaches to NMDA receptor and captures Linking Proteins
- The AMPA receptors that are flowing trough the cell attach to the linking proteins
- The NMDA receptor now has 1 NMDA and 2 AMPA receptors to make it more easily activated.
- AMPA receptor is an NMDA receptor without magnesium blocking it.
What is Positive/Negative reinforcement and Positive/Negative punishment
- Positive reinforcement is the adding of a positive stimulus to increase behavior
- Negative reinforcement is increasing behavior by removing a negative stimulus.
- Positive Punishment is the reduction of behavior by adding a negative stimulus.
- Negative Punishment is the reduction of behavior by removing a positive stimulus.
Where is the Pleasure center (VTA) located? What area is it connected to for pleasure?
- In the Ventral Tegmental Area (medial forebrain bundle) that used dopamine to activate Nucleus Accumbens
- This feels rewarding to the Nucleus Accumbens.
What are the 3 types of relational learning?
Semantic, Episodic and Spatial Learning
What is the serial model of memory from sensory to long-term memory? (4)
- Sense organs receive stimulus and it enters sensory memory (iconic/echoic memory)
- A small part enters working memory.
- As you keep repeating the information it becomes encoded in long-term memory.
- You can now retrieve it from working memory to put it back into working memory.
What are the 3 types of declarative memory? What is Declarative memory also called?
- Episodic, Semantic and Spatial Learning.
- It is also called relational learning
How can you remove memories using ECS?
- If you take something out of long term memory for reconsolidation, It gets deleted.