Lecture 1 Flashcards
What is plasticity?
Networks of the brain cells change
What is neurogenesis?
New generations of neurons in the adult brain (plasticity?)
What is behavioral neuroscience
Study of behaviors that are observed in organisms, and trying to understand what role the nervous system plays.
- Has many other names too
What is the primary function of the nervous system, perception, thinking and learning/remembering
- The nervous system is for controlling movement
- Perception allows you to act on the environment.
- Thinking allows you to do complex behavior.
Remembering/learning allows you to profit from experience.
What are generalization and reductions in scientific explanation?
- generalization means you explain something using general laws.
- Reduction: you explain something using simpler phenomena
What did Hippocrates say about the brain?
It, rather than the heart, was where emotion and thought happened
What did rené Descartes say about the brain?
- Believed in a dualism. The fluids in ventricles was controlled by the mind.
What is the mind body question?
- Dualism says mind and body are separate
- Monism says mind results from neural activity.
What did Luigi Gavalni discover?
- Muscles contract when electrically stimulated (without a brain).
What did Johannes Müller experiment with? What is the doctrine of specific nerve engines
- he removed organs and tested their response to chemicals.
- doctrine of specific nerve engines says that nerves always send the same electric signal but their are perceived differently according to the brain area’s function. The mind only has access to to these signals and not physical stimuli.
What is experimental ablation?
Removing a brain area to see what functions cannot be performed without is
What are Purkinje Fibers?
Neurons that control the heart, first to be discovered
What did Cajal Argue about the nervous system?
Neurons are separate instead of one flow, like blood
What does functionalism say about parts of an organism?
- each part serves some function
What are mutations?
Changes in chromosomes that can have a selective advantage or disadvantage.
Wy h development of humans genetically slowed down (neoteny)
SO the brain can get a lot of time to grow and create neurons.
What does neuro-ethics do?
It creates ethically ideal research practices for neuroscience.
What did Wilhelm Wundt start?
Started experimental psychology .
What is introspection?
Looking into your own mind and telling what you observe/perceive.
What did John B. Watson criticize, and what was he in favor of?
- Critisized introspection due to subjectivity
- In favor of measuring detectable behavior and conditioning
What did Skinner Create?
Operant conditioning
How do behaviorists think behavior is formed and what is the downside?
- It thinks all behavior is formed from conditioning
- it ignores the mind
What did Chomsky say about language?
He was a linguist that argued that you need creativity to make up new sentences and this cannot be conditioned.
What did Tolman discover?
Rats form a mental map of a maze and don’t just act on conditioning
What was the cognitive revolution
- The change to measuring mental processes with experiments
What are the three steps in cognitive research?
- Make an observation
- Make an inference about underlying mental processes
- Consider what this says about the mind
What is the foundation of biological psychology (4)?
- Darwin’s evolution theory
- Ablation method
- Discovery of Punkinje Cells
- Effect of electrical stimulation
What is electrical stimulation used for?
- You open the brain and stimulate brain areas to see what happens. (introspection)
- only when someone has to undergo brain surgery
What are Wernicke’s and Broca’s area?
- Wernicke’s area is important for understanding speech
- Broca’s area is important for producing speech
How fast is nerve transmission and how was it tested?
- 60 m/s
- Helmholtz compared the reaction time to touch on the foot to touch on the neck.
What is Donder’s Subtraction Method? what is a criticism?
- You compare the reaction time when a certain mental process is performed to when this mental process is not needed.
- Like Go/No-go
- It wrongly assumes that stages of processing happen separately and chronologically
What is the generation effect?
if you retrieve something, you learn it better.
What did Sternberg study about memory set size?
- There was were YES and NO trials for wether or not a number that was shown was in the memory set.
- The reaction time for the answer increased linearly for both YES and NO trials.
- so you serially test each item in de memory set it seems
What did Mishkin study about memory with monkeys? With lesions to what areas (2)
- He studies object and location memory when there were lesions in the amygdala and hippocampus
- this only impaired object recognition/memory and not location memory.