Lecture 11 9/26/23 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of the CNS?
-surrounded by bone
-includes brain and spinal cord
What are the characteristics of the PNS?
-includes cranial and spinal nerves
-12 pairs of cranial nerves
-35 pairs of spinal nerves
What is the spinal nerve formula?
What are the characteristics of efferent fibers?
-away from CNS
-motor fibers
What are the characteristics of afferent fibers?
-towards CNS
-sensory fibers
What are the types of neurons?
-multipolar; efferent; motor
-bipolar; afferent; sensory
-pseudounipolar; afferent; sensory
What are the types of efferent fibers?
-general somatic efferent (GSE)
-general visceral efferent (GVE)
-special visceral efferent (SVE)
What are the characteristics of GSEs?
-motor to skeletal m.
-found in some cranial nerves and all spinal nerves
What are the types of afferent fibers?
-general somatic afferent (GSA)
-general visceral afferent (GVA)
-special somatic afferent (SSA)
-special visceral afferent (SVA)
What are the characteristics of GSAs?
-talk with GSEs
-receptors near body surface
-sense touch, temp., and pain
-some cranial nerves and all spinal nerves
What are the cauda equina?
nerves that must travel down to their exits; form a “horse tail”
What are intumescences?
swellings in the spinal cord where the limbs arise that account for the neuronal cell bodies that innervate the limbs
Where do the cervical nerves exit?
in front of the vertebrae with the same number
Where do the thoracic nerves exit?
behind the vertebrae with the same number
Where does cervical nerve 8 exit?
in front of T1/behind C7