Lecture 10 Flashcards
What are the borders of the face?
-between eyebrow and chin
Which region covers the superior, lateral and posterior of the calvaria?
What are the 5 layers of the scalp?
- skin
- connective tissue
- aponeurosis
- loose areolar tissue
- periosteum
thin tendinous sheet connects occipital and frontal bellies of occipitofrontalis muscle
Which muscle moves the scalp, wrinkles the forehead, and raises the eyebrows?
occiptalfrontalis muscle
which layer of the scalp contains emissary veins?
loose areolar tissue
What are the 3 functional groups of the fascial muscles?
- orbital
- nasal
- oral
What are the two muscles of the orbital group?
- orbicularis oculi (superficial)
- corrugator supercilii (deep)
What are the functions of the orbital and palpebral of the orbicularis oculi?
- orbital-forcefully close eyelid
- palpebral-gently close eyelid
What is the function of the corrugator supercilii?
draw eyebrows medially and downward
What are the 3 muscles of the nasal group?
- nasalis (transverse and alar)
- procerus
- depressor septi
What are the function of the transverse and alar of the nasalis muscle?
- transverse-compress nasal aperture
- alar-open nostril
What is the function of the procerus?
-draws medial eyebrows downward and makes transverse wrinkles over bridge of nose
What is the function of the depressor septi?
-pull nose inferiorly
What is the function of the obicularis oris?
close lips and protrudes lips
Which muscle compress cheeks, and pressing cheeks against teeth?
Which muscle raise and protrudes lower lip and wrinkle skin on chin?
What is the function of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (LLSAN)?
most medial, lift upper lip and open nostrils
What is the function of levator labii superioris?
-lift upper lip
What are the functions of the zygomatic major and minor?
major-help smile, raise corner of mouth
minor-help smile
What is the function of the levator anguli oris?
raise corner of mouth
Which two muscles raise the corner of the mouth?
zyogmatic major and levator anguli oris
Which muscle depresses corner of the mouth?
depressor anguli oris
Which muscle depress lower lip?
depressor labii inferioris
Which muscle pull mouth backward and outward?
What are the main branches of the ECA?
- facial artery
- maxillary artery
- superficial temporal artery
What are the ligaments of the temporomandibular joint?
- temporomandibular (lateral and capsular)
- stylomandibular
- sphenomandibular
What are the functions of the temporomandibular joint ligaments?
- prevent dislocation
- connect mandible to cranium
- define movement border of mandible
What are the 4 movements of the mandible?
- protrusion
- retraction
- elevation
- depression
What are the 4 muscles of mastication?
- temporalis
- masseter
- medial pterygoid
- lateral pterygoid
Which mastication muscles elevate mandible?
temporalis, masseter, and medial pterygoid
Which mastication muscles protrude mandible?
lateral pterygoid
Which fossa is a fan shape at the temple of the head?
temporal fossa
Which fossa has an irregular shape, inferior of temporal fossa, and medial to zygomatic arch?
infratemporal fossa
What are the 4 contents of the temporal fossa?
- temporalis muscle
- branches of CNV
- branches of maxillary artery
- branches of superficial temporal artery
What are the contents of the infratemporal fossa?
- inferior part of temporalis muscle
- sphenomandibular ligament; lateral and medial pterygoid
- maxillary artery and its branches
- branches of CNV, CNVII, CNIX
- octic ganglion
What is between the external and middle ear?
tympanic membrane
What is between the middle and internal ear?
temporal bone
What are the surface features of the external ear?
- auricle: (majorly cartilage), helix, lobule, concha, tragus, antitragus
- external acoustic canal
The tympanic membrane is attached to what?
Which part of the middle ear equalizes pressure?
pharyngotympanic tube
What 3 bones comprise the auditory ossicles? And what is their main function?
- malleus, incus, stapes
- transmit vibration
Which part of the middle ear prevents excessive oscillation?
Where are the bony and membranous labyrinth found?
-internal ear
What are the 3 organs of balance?
- semicircular canals and ducts
- utricle
- saccule
What comprises the organ of hearing?
cochlea and cochlear duct