Lecture 10 Flashcards
changing climates during the latter part of the Cretaceous Period allowed for angiosperms to proliferate, creating an ecological niche for future what
proto-primates, which included:
Purgatorious (genus) and
Plesiadaptaformes (order)
True primates appear during the Eocene epoch when
between 54 and 34 mya
what prosimians appear first
Omomyids and Adapids
Omomyids and Adapids most resemble what
most resemble today’s Strepsirrhines;
during the _____ the first true monkeys, such as Aegyptopithecus zeuxis appear at sites like Fayum in present-‐day Egypt
Oligocene, around 30 mya
The earliest apes appear during the _______
Miocene, beginning around 25 mya
We saw three specific genera of these apes (Miocene) what were they
Proconsul, Kenyapithecus and Dryopithecus
This last genus largely represented what
the end of apes outside of Africa and extreme SE Asia. Sometime between 7 mya and today, these various species of disappeared from Africa and Eurasia, and so-‐farun discovered genera developed into gorillas and chimps/bonobos
define Anthropoid
informal term akin to prosimian, basically all Haplorrhines minus tarsiers (who are informally prosimians, but taxonomically Haplorrhines)
what are Hominoid (superfamily):
All lesser & great apes + humans (so exclude old world monkeys)
what are Hominid (family):
All great apes + humans (so exclude lesser apes i.e. gibbons & siamangs)
what are Hominin:
all species related to humans since the split from Chimpanzees. Basically, the remainder of this course!
can we Compare superfamily Hominoid to Cercopithecoid
Compare superfamily Hominoid to Cercopithecoid (superfamily taxonomic term for Old World Monkeys)
what can the term Hominid be compared to
Compare term Hominid to Hylobatid (superfamily taxonomic term for lesser apes)
Many animals are ______ bipeds; a far smaller number are _______ bipeds
Many animals are facultative bipeds; a far smaller number are obligate bipeds
Humans are the only mammals to move bipedally via ______________
alternating gait
what is an alternating gait
one leg, then another; walking)
How and why was bipedal locomotion selected for in our hominin ancestors?
The main requirement for obligatory bipedalism is that the body’s center of gravity must be lower (pelvic region compared to the quadrupeds… where they have it in their torso) than that of quadrupeds
A number of factors contribute to our lower centers of gravity:
bipeds have long, heavy legs
biped femurs are angled to position our knees almost directly below our pelvises
The main requirement for obligatory bipedalism is that the body’s center of gravity must be lower than that of quadrupeds. A number of factors contribute to our lower centers of gravity:
bipeds have long, heavy legs
biped femurs are angled to position our knees almost directly below our pelvises
bipeds have an ‘s-shaped’ lumbar curvature to the spinal column.
Bipeds have a pelvic region (os coxae) more ‘bowl-shaped’ to support weight and the attachment of heavier leg musculature
The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus connect each ilium to the outside edge of the corresponding femur. These muscles help to compensate for lesser stability we experienced every time we take a foot off the ground.
Apes have these muscles, but they have not developed to maintain balance as ours have.
The question of why bipedalism developed is hotly contested; there are a number of competing theories:
- Tool/weapon use; carrying provisions and offspring
- Energy efficiency / cooling
- Environmental changes
Open grasslands during Miocene Acquisition of food resources from - high places
- Sexual selection
Social displays
males were more attractive to females when standing up (very male-dominated view) - Male provisioning, female reproductive strategy
re-hear what he said in lecture recording