Chapter 7 Flashcards
what is captive study
primate behaviour study conducted in a zoo, lab or other enclosed setting
what is the downside of captive study
are in highly controlled study that may not be applicable to natural patterns of behaviour
what is semi-free-ranging environment
primate behaviour study conducted in a large area that is enclosed or isolated in some way so the population is captive
what is field study
primate behaviour study conducted in the habitat in which the primate natural occurs
what is female philopatry
primate social system in which females remain and breed in the group of their birth, whereas males emigrate
what is male philopatry
primate social system in which males remain and breed in the group of their birth, whereas females emigrate
how is dominance a problem in male philopatry systems
only a few males have dominance, so the other offspring males need to fight their way to the top
is dominance a set, linear thing in male philopatry systems
no, it is pretty flexible
what is sexual receptivity
willingness and ability of a female to mate, also defined as fertility
do females clearly show sexual receptivity
yes, sometimes they will have enlarged genital areas to indicate to the males they are fertile
what are the benefits of sexual receptivity
because many males will mate with the female, they have a high chance of being the father of the offspring so they are going to be less aggressive towards the offspring
what is polygynous
mating system in which one man is allowed to take more than one wife
what is matrilineal
pattern of female kinship in a primate social group
define social system
the group patterns in which a primate species lives, including its size and composition evolved in response to natural and sexual selection pressures
what are the types of nonhuman primate societies
solitary monogamy polygyny: one-male polygyny: multi-male polyandry
what is monogamy
a mating bond; primates can be socially monogamous but still mate occasionally outside the pair bond
what is monogamy best understood as
a female reproductive strategy… she has territory and a male attaches himself to a female and just provides basics for her and the offspring
what is polygynu
mating system costing of at least one male and more than one female
what is polygyandrous
primate social system consisting of multiple males and multiple females
dominancy hierarchy and infanticide is high in these groups
what is dominance hierarchy
formed in ultimate male polygyny– ranking of individual primates in a group the reflects their ability to displace, intimidate or defeat group mates in contests
what is fission-fusion polygyny
type of primate polygyny in which animas travel in foraging parties of varying size instead of a cohesive group
what is polyandry
mating system i which one female mates with multiple males
what is monogamy thought to be linked to
fruit eating and territory
primate ecologists differ on what influences are the most important in shaping society– what are they
feeding competition, mate competition and predation