Exam review, Evolution and Creationism (Prof. Sarah Bean) Flashcards
why is there Opposition to Evolution
Eve & Harrold (1991): why the continuing debate over evolution? They note that “we do not find public arguments about whether atoms or gravity exist”
• A lack of science education cannot be solely to blame
• Social, political, and psychological forces may play a greater role in people’s acceptance of evolution than they do for other scientific theories
what are the The Pillars of Creationism
The arguments that have been used throughout the anti-evolution movement
1) Evolution is a “Theory in Crisis” 2) Evolution = Atheism
3) Teach Both Sides
what is Creationism
idea of creation by a supernatural force (God or other deity). Organisms created in their present forms
what is Fundamentalism
Literal interpretation of scripture
• Selected use of scripture
• Movements can occur in response to rapidly changing environment of modern world
what does Religion concern
the relationship of people with the divine, but may include explanations of the natural world and the origin of natural phenomena
wha does science say
Scientific explanations use only material cause; no “revealed truth”
• Even theories may be modified; science relies on the ability to go back to nature to test explanations
what is Flat Earthism
The most strict biblical literalists
• Bible takes primacy over science
what is Geocentrism
Accepts earth is a sphere, but denies the sun is the center of the solar system
• Rejects modern physics, astronomy, and biology
wha is Young Earth Creationism
Earth is young (max 10,000 years old)
• Noah’s Flood accepted as truth
• Special creationism (“kinds”) as stated in Genesis
• Some acceptance of evolution within “kinds”; microevolution not macroevolution
what is Old Earth Creationism
The earth is ancient
• Gap Creationism: large gap between
verses 1 and 2 of Ch. 1 of Genesis
• Day Age Creationism: each day of creation is not 24 hours, but much longer periods of time
what is Progressive Creationism
Accepts more of modern science, does not dispute data concerning the Big Bang, age of the earth
• Believes God created different “kinds” of animals sequentially
• Does not accept that kinds evolved from one another
what is Intelligent Design Creationism
pts natural selection sometimes, but denies mutation and natural selection are adequate to explain the evolution of one “kind” to another
• Believes some things are too complex to be explained naturally; the need for an Intelligent Designer
• Rejection of “Darwinism”
• IDC failed in court (Kitzmiller vs. Dover)
what is Theistic Evolution
God creates through the laws of nature • Accepts the results of modern science • Accepts descent with modification
• Some believe God created the laws of nature, and did not intervene; others believe he intervened at critical times (i.e. during the creation of humans)
Consider the relationship between evolution and creationism; are they mutually exclusive and dichotomous, or do they fit along a spectrum?
Think of them not as a dichotomy, but on a continuum, with creationism on one end and evolution on the other