Exam review, Evolution of Cognition Flashcards
what is Encephalization
is the increase in brain size, relative to body size
The trouble with a focus on brain size and cranial capacity is that what
it measures only the dimensions of the brain, not neural activity or structural complexity
where does the majority of brain activity takes place
The relatively thin cerebral cortex
Humans have highly textured brains, allowing for more overall what
cortical surface
how many neurons in the human brain
85 billion neurons in the human brain
what are the three major regions of the brain
the cerebrum
• the cerebellum
• the brain stem
what does the cerebrum
(“higher functions”)
what is the cerebellum
(motor & muscles
what is the brain stem
(“core functions” i.e. breathing, heartbeat, etc.)
what are Endocasts
are replicas of the insides of early and modern human braincases. They represent the size and shape of the brains that once occupied the braincases
what is Paleoneurology
The study of the evolution of the brain structure and function
what is EQ (Encephalization Quotient)
The ratio of actual brain size of a species to the expected brain size of an “average” mammal of that particular body size
what tends to have the largest EQ
n the animal kingdom, proportionally larger brains differentiate all mammals from reptiles, and among mammals primates tend to have the largest “encephalization quotient” (EQ)
Different sources cite different EQ values for humans; EQ is what kind of ratio
a sample-dependent ratio
why must we must be cautious about comparing specific species
The hominin fossil record is fragmentary and incomplete
how does EQ and Hominin Evolution relate to
Autralopithecines & Paranthropines
Early hominins are smaller in body size to great apes, but have equally sized brains.
• Therefore, gracile and robust early hominins were more encephalized than modern great apes
how does EQ and Hominin Evolution relate to
Early Genus Homo
H. habilis has a relatively small body, but a brain size that overlaps with the largest gorillas.
• H. erectus/ergaster’s leap in body size coincides with a proportionately faster leap in brain size
EQ and Hominin Evolution relate to
Archaic Hominins & AMH
The jump from H. erectus cc to Archaic hominin cc is the most accelerated in the fossil record!
• AMHs are more encephalized than Neanderthals because they are smaller, but have brains of nearly equal size
Over the last 6 million years: brain size has…
has increased absolutely and relatively (to body size)
In last 2 million years: increases to brain size….
have sped up, while increases to body size have slowed