Exam review, Australopithecines (genus) Flashcards
what are the five australopithecine species
Au. anamensis • Au. afarensis • Au. garhi • Au. africanus • Au. sediba
where are the australopithecine species found
In East Africa: Au. anamensis (4.2-‐3.9 mya) • Au. afarensis (3.6-‐3.0 mya) • Au. garhi (2.5 mya) In Southern Africa: • Au. africanus (3.0-‐2.2 mya) • Au. sediba (1.98 mya)
what is the date range for Au. anamensis
(4.2-‐3.9 mya)
what is the date range for Au. afarensis
(3.6-‐3.0 mya)
what is the date range for Au. garhi
(2.5 mya)
what is the date range for Au africanus
(3.0-‐2.2 mya)
what is the date range for Au. sediba
(1.98 mya)
how are the Australopithecines beloved t be related to us
they are our direct ancestral line
where was Australopithecus anamensis found
Kenya’s Great Rift Valley in 1994
what is significant about the Lake Turkana area in Kenya and from Middle Awash, Ethiopia
more than 80 specimens from around 20 individuals have been recovered from the Lake Turkana area in Kenya and from Middle Awash, Ethiopia
what is significant about Australopithecus anamensis cranial morphology
Molar rows are parallel, and the dental arcade is U‐shaped. Canine teeth are small
Dental enamel is thick
what is important about the Post-‐Cranial Morphology of Australopithecus anamensis
proximal tibia shows signs of excess weight bearing. The distal tibia is wide and thick
strong climbing ability
femurs were angled
Au. anamensis’ relationship to Ardipithecus is what
Most researchers believe Au. anamensis is a direct ancestor of who
Au. afarensis
where was Au. afarensis found
a large number of individuals from sites in widely‐separated regions, from Laetoli in Tanzania, north to Hadar in Ethiopia
what species is lucy
Au. afarensis
what is the Cranial Morphology of Au. afarensis
relatively low (350– 500cc)
what are the cranial traits of Au. afarensis
significant facial prognathism. The zygomatic arches are large and flaring
procumbent, relatively large incisors that were larger in males. The molar rows are parallel and the dental arcade is U- shaped. A diastema is present
what is the Post-Cranial Morphology of Au. afarensis
obligate bipedalism
the ilia are flared outward
where was Australopithecus garhi found
Bouri, Middle Awash, Ethiopia
what was the cranial capacity of Australopithecus garhi
relatively low–~450cc
what are the cranial morphologies of Australopithecus garhi
high degree of facial prognathism and a weak sagittal crest
very wide canine teeth
molars are very robust
where were The earliest stone tools found
geological formation but not at the same place as the garhi skull
Bouri, Middle Awash, Ethiopia
when did the earliest stone tools exist
2.5 mya
where was Australopithecus africanus found
NW Province, South Africa
what species is the Taung child
Au. africanus
what are the traits of the Taung child
low facial prognatism
dental arcade is parabolic, or V-‐ shaped
canine teeth were small
no diastema
foramen magnum is positioned behind directly behind the mandible, like in humans
premolars are oddly large
where was Australopithecus sediba found
idk, in a cave site in Malapa
what species are the Malapa hominins
Australopithecus sediba
what are key features about Australopithecus sediba
endocranial casts show that the two hemispheres of the brain are not symmetrical: this is a trait associated with the genus Homo
smaller zygomatic arches