Lecture 1 Study Guide Flashcards
Biological Evolution
Genetic change underlying the properties of groups of organisms over the course of generation
The idea that every species has an essence of which each individual is an imperfect form
The study of ends or purposes, in evolutionary context it is the notion that organisms are designed
The theory that earth is shaped by slow moving forces over a long period of time
The theory that the earth is shaped by massive and rapid catastrophes, such as floods
The Origin of Species
Most famous book written by Charles Darwin, contains two major thesis
2 major thesis of the Origin of Species
Decent with modification and the theory of natural selection
Evolutionary change happens over a long period of time
Natural Selection
The changes in the proportions of individuals are caused by differences in their ability to survive and reproduce
Developed as a (now debunked) method to improve the human race by arranging reproduction to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable
Social Darwinism
The application of Darwinian principles of natural selection to human societies that were used to justify imperialism, colonialism, racism, and certain policies
Modern Evolutionary synthesis
A movement and synthesis of knowledge that brought together many scientific disciplines, such as genetics, math, and paleontology, to bridge the gap between microevolutionary processes and macroevolutionary patterns
Evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short time period
Evolution above the speices level, such as what is observed in the fossil record
Creationism/Intelligent Design
Related movements that dispute the process of evolution and the teaching of most or all evolutionary biology in schools, intelligent design arose from creationism
Hypothesis is
an informed conjecture or statement of what might be
Scientific theory is
A mature coherent body of interconnected statements based on reasoning and evidence that explains some part of nature
Carolus Linnaeus
Father of taxonomy, created scientific binomial nomenclature
Geroges Buffon
Early Natural historian who believed each species has in unchanging internal mold, but that closely related species mat have arisen from a common ancestor
James hutton
deduced that geological time was much longer than previously thought due to patterns of deposition and erosion seen in strata of cliffs
Georges cuvier
Anatomist and proponent of catastrophism that demonstrated extinction happens
Charles Lyell
Published principles of geology and was a advocate of uniformitarianism
Charles Lyell
Published principles of geology and was an advocate of uniformitarianism
Jean baptiste Lamarck
Theorized that evolution happens through use and disuse, commonly known as inheritance of acquired characteristics
Erasmus Darwin
Grandfather of Charles darwin, an early advocate of evolution
Charles Darwin
Wrote the origin of species, discovered natural selection, a major mechanism on how evolution occurs, often credited with discovering evolution
Thomas Malthus
In an essay he posited that populations increase faster than food supplies, which inspired darwins evolutionary thinking
Alfred Russel Wallace
Co discovered the theory of natural selection with darwin
Francis Galton
Applied natural selection to human societies and promoted hereditary improvement through eugenics