Leçon 24 Flashcards
donner un exemple frappant de
Indian society _________ ingrained class systems.
to provide a striking example of
Indian society provides a striking example of ingrained class systems.
All hopes for a peace-agreement were _________ after the President’s assassination.
to dash (hopes, expectations)
All hopes for a peace-agreement were dashed after the President’s assassination.
une attente, un espoir
an expectation
dans l’attente de, en prévision de
The inhabitants of the island stayed at home __________ the hurricane.
in expectation of
The inhabitants of the island stayed at home in expectation of the hurricane.
contrairement à toutes les attentes
____________, Theresa May’s bid to win a sound majority via a snap general election severely backfired.
contrary to all expectations
Contrary to all expectations, Theresa May’s bid to win a sound majority via a snap general election severely backfired.
au-delà de toute attente
What we have done here today truly goes ____________.
beyond expectations
What we have done here today truly goes beyond all expectations.
faire pression sur
Greenpeace are __________ huge __________ the government to tackle climate change.
to exert pressure on
Greenpeace are exerting huge pressure on the government to tackle climate change.
aux dépens de
The general public came out in protest when it was discovered that the royal family had been going on extravagant holidays ____________ the taxpayers.
at the expanse of
The general public came out in protest when it was discovered that the royal family had been going on extravagant holidays at the expense of the taxpayers.
à grand frais
The evidence suggests that the scheme will fail, may even make matters worse, and all ________.
at a great expense
The evidence suggests that the scheme will fail, may even make matters worse, and all at great expense.
avoir, exprimer des doutes
After the inquiry, the judge _________ the impartiality of the police.
to express (grave) doubts about
After the inquiry, the judge expressed grave doubts about the impartiality of the police.
The full _______ of the damage caused by the December 99 storm has not beet assessed yet.
le degré, la mesure, l’ampleur, l’étendue
The full extent of the damage caused by the December 99 storm has not beet assessed yet.
dans une certaine mesure
to some extent
dans une moindre mesure
To some extent, it is possible to agree with their arguments, however, __________ we must realise that not all the facts given were accurate.
to a lesser extent
To some extent, it is possible to agree with their arguments, however, to a lesser extent we must realise that not all the facts given were accurate.
une révélation
That problem was an ___________ (lui a ouvert les yeux sur) the goings-on behind Parliament’s doors.
an eye-opener to
That problem was an eye-opener (lui a ouvert les yeux) to the goings-on behind Parliament’s doors.
faire face à
Britain could _________ a fall in house prices similar to that seen in the US, the International Monetary Fund warned yesterday.
to face
Britain could face a fall in house prices similar to that seen in the US, the International Monetary Fund warned yesterday.
faire face à la réalité
to face the facts
une confrontation
a face-off
pour argent comptant, au premier abord
It is impossible to judge just ________.
at face value
It is impossible to judge just on face value.
prendre une déclaration au pied de la lettre
It is often unwise to _______ of wealthy businessmen __________.
to take a statement at face value
It is often unwise to take the statements of wealthy businessmen at face value.
juger quelqu’un sur les apparences
It is very common to miss out on hiring potentially talented staff by _______ a candidate __________.
to take someone at his (her) face value
It is very common to miss out on hiring potentially talented staff by taking a candidate at their face value.
des équipements, des installations
This school has numerous _________, including football grounds and a swimming-pool.
This school has numerous facilities, including football grounds and a swimming-pool.
au-delà des faits
beyond the topical facts
manquer à son devoir
The army have ___________ protect the UK from attack.
to fail (in) one’s duty
The army have failed in their duty to protect the UK from attack.
pour être (totalement) juste (cette expression permet de nuancer un propos)
_________, we cannot really place judgment on Kevin Spacey until we have absolutely all the facts.
in (all) fairness
In all fairness, we cannot really place judgment on Kevin Spacey until we have absolutely all the facts.
un échec lamentable/complet, absolu
The band’s newest release was an _________.
a miserable/utter failure
The band’s newest release was an utter failure.
faire semblant, simuler/truquer, falsifier
It was very easy for the candidate to ________ the signature of the reference he had placed on his application form.
to fake
It was very easy for the candidate to fake the signature of the reference he had placed on his application form.
simuler la maladie
to fake illness
falsifier une signature
to fake a signature
falsifier les comptes
to fake accounts
un faux
Most paintings by Courbet are _______.
a fake
Most paintings by Courbet are fakes.
faux, bidon
fake (adj)
It has become commonplace to describe an individual as ‘fake’, should you believe them to be portraying a personality that is likely to be a facade.
un faux passeport
a fake passport
un faux tableau
_______ can still be sold for a lot of money.
a fake painting
A fake painting can still be sold for a lot of money.