Leçon 22 Flashcards
laisser tomber
The government had to ________ this scheme: it was too risky.
to drop
The government had to drop this scheme: it was too risky.
choisir de vivre en marge de la société
For people suffering from serious social anxiety it can be hard not to ___________.
to drop out of society
For people suffering from serious social anxiety it can be hard not to drop out of society.
It is understandable to be ________ about all the information given to you.
It is understandable to be dubious about all the information given to you.
résider, demeurer
to dwell
les citadins
les habitants de la campagne
s’arrêter sur
In his Christmas speech, the Pope _______ the plight of the poor and the hungry.
to dwell on
In his Christmas speech, the Pope dwelt on the plight of the poor and the hungry.
diminuer, s’affaiblir
Ministers are now encouraging the next generation to rely on the private sector as the only way of supplementing the ________ pension system.
to dwindle
Ministers are now encouraging the next generation to rely on the private sector as the only way of supplementing the dwindling pension system.
There are may _______ nationalists in Britain who refuse to change their opinions on immigration.
There are may dyed-in-the-wool nationalists in Britain who refuse to change their opinions on immigration.
un écologiste invétéré
a dyed-in-the-wool ecologist
The company was so ______ to get some new equipment.
The company was so eager to get some new equipment.
avoir soif de changement
When Robert Mugabe was finally removed from power, the electorate __________.
to be eager for change
When Robert Mugabe was finally removed from power, the electorate were eager for change.
gagner sa vie (en)
Artists ________ painting pictures.
to earn one’s living (by +ing)
Artists earn their living by painting pictures.
He appealed to me _______ not to leave my job.
in earnest
He appealed to me in earnest not to leave my job.
réduire, soulager
Charities such as Oxfam ________ the sufferings of the Third World poor.
The US authorities have _______ their embargo on French products.
to ease
Charities such as Oxfam ease the sufferings of the Third World poor.
The US authorities have eased their embargo on French products.
the East
le Moyen-Orient
the Middle-East
le Proche-Orient
the Near-East
the Far-East
l’Europe de l’Est
Eastern Europe
un bord
an edge
augmenter progressivement
VAT in Britain has been slowly _______ over time.
to edge up
VAT in Britain has been slowly edging up over time.
diminuer progressivement
Thanks to the new treatments, the number of AIDS cases is now _______ in France.
to edge down
Thanks to the new treatments, the number of AIDS cases is now edging down in France.
faire de légers progrès
PETA has slowly been _________ on its mission to gain more rights for animals.
to edge forward
PETA has slowly been edging forward on its mission to gain more rights for animals.
avoir un léger avantage sur
Marks and Spencer _________ John Lewis in the Christmas sales market.
to have an edge over
Marks and Spencer has an edge over John Lewis in the Christmas sales market.
crispé, stressé
That area of the city was very _______.
That area of the city was very edgy.
avoir des répercussions
He didn’t think it was important to meet the deadline, but he didn’t realise that his work __________ for everyone else in the company.
to have a knock-on effect
He didn’t think it was important to meet the deadline, but he didn’t realise that his work has a knock-on effect for everyone else in the company.
une gaffe monumentale
an egregious blunder
une énorme erreur
an egregious error
élever, hausser
Illustrated romances have been _______ to the level of art by a new exhibition at proud Galleries, placing the stories alongside their equivalent in literature.
to elevate
Illustrated romances have been elevated to the level of art by a new exhibition at proud Galleries, placing the stories alongside their equivalent in literature.
Federer __________ good sportsmanship on the playing field.
It was not just Barack Obama who ________ and promised change. Perhaps more remarkable was that the candidate of the Conservative party was campaigning on the promise of change too.
to embody
Federer embodies good sportsmanship on the playing field.
It was not just Barack Obama who embodied and promised change. Perhaps more remarkable was that the candidate of the Conservative party was campaigning on the promise of change too.
une incarnation
This man is the _______ of the fight to improve the lot of the working class in Britain.
an embodiment
This man is the embodiment of the fight to improve the lot of the working class in Britain.
il en résulte que
What __________ scandal is that we have to be more responsible when it comes to choosing the people that we trust to be teachers.
it emerges from this that
What emerges from this scandal is that we have to be more responsible when it comes to choosing the people that we trust to be teachers.