Leçon 12 Flashcards
à tout prendre
_______, compromise of any kind between Labour and Conservative MPs is almost impossible.
taking it by and large
Taking it by and large, compromise of any kind between Labour and Conservative MPs is almost impossible.
The Erika catastrophe happened because normal procedures were _______.
to bypass
The Erika catastrophe happened because normal procedures were bypassed.
un produit dérivé
CO2 emissions are a dangerous ________ of cars.
a by-product
CO2 emissions are a dangerous by-product of cars.
un spectateur
Terrible accidents can even happen to _______.
a bystander
Terrible accidents can even happen to bystanders.
remettre quelque chose en question, mettre en doute
to call something into question
The festival has been ______ ____(en raison de) safety concerns just two weeks before its launch.
to cancel
The festival has been cancelled over (en raison de) safety concerns just two weeks before its launch.
de portée capitale
of cardinal significance
un événement de portée capitale
The 911 attacks were _________ in America’s recent history.
an event of cardinal significance
The 911 attacks were an event of cardinal significance in America’s recent history.
une mûre réflexion
After __________ the committee has rejected the proposal.
careful consideration
After careful consideration the committee has rejected the proposal.
to carry out
réaliser une étude
to carry out a survey
effectuer des recherches
The purpose of the charity Cancer Research is to __________ the best way to cure the various forms of cancer.
to carry out research into
The purpose of the charity Cancer Research is to carry out research into the best way to cure the various forms of cancer.
un exemple frappant
The recent assassination in Corsica is _________.
a case in point
The recent assassination in Corsica is a case in point.
plaider en faveur de
Les Verts ont plaidé pour l’agriculture biologique.
to make a case for
The Greens have made a case for organic farming.
profiter de
The company tried to ______ on people’s fears by selling them burglar alarms.
to cash in
The company tried to cash in on people’s fears by selling them burglar alarms.
rejeter la responsabilité sur quelqu’un
When the right wing want to __________, they often choose immigrants.
to cast the blame on somebody
When the right wing want to cast the blame on somebody, they often choose immigrants.
jeter le doute sur
L’utilisation de drogues a jeté un doute sur toutes les performances olympiques.
to cast doubt on
The use of drugs cast doubt on all Olympic performances.
jeter une ombre sur (fig.)
The bombings at the Boston Marathon __________ what was otherwise a great sporting event.
to cast a shadow on/over
The bombings at the Boston Marathon cast a shadow over what was otherwise a great sporting event.
jeter un regard critique sur…
Whilst some believe it acceptable to continue trading with China and ignoring its suspected human rights violations, others think it is about time we _________ their treatment of citizens.
to cast a critical eye on/over
Whilst some believe it acceptable to continue trading with China and ignoring its suspected human rights violations, others think it is about time we cast a truly critical eye over their treatment of citizens.
attirer l’attention de
Due to the importance of social media in this day and age, it can be advantageous to have a large following on these platforms if you want to __________ people in power.
to catch the attention of
Due to the importance of social media in this day and age, it can be advantageous to have a large following on these platforms if you want to catch the attention of people in power.
une situation inextricable
In Britain you can’t be a professional actor if you don’t have an Equity card, but you can’t get an equity card until you have acted first - it’s a ________.
a catch-22 (situation)
In Britain you can’t be a professional actor if you don’t have an Equity card, but you can’t get an equity card until you have acted first - it’s a catch-22.
to catch up
un slogan (accrocheur)
It is a damning assessment of this day and age that politicians and their staff can sometimes spend more time inventing _______ for a campaign than actually trying to do their job.
a catchword, catchphrase
It is a damning assessment of this day and age that politicians and their staff can sometimes spend more time inventing catchphrases for a campaign than actually trying to do their job.
pourvoir aux besoins de / satisfaire, répondre à
Charities (organismes humanitaires) cannot possibly ________ all these starving people.
This newspaper tries to ________ all opinions.
to cater for
Charities (organismes humanitaires) cannot possibly cater for all these starving people.
This newspaper tries to cater for all opinions.
susciter un tollé
The government’s plans to scrap child benefits _________ the public.
to cause an outcry on the part of
The government’s plans to scrap child benefits caused an outcry on the part of the public.
le centre du débat
________ on the renewal of Trident is the money it would cost and how it would be used elsewhere.
the centrepiece of the debate
The centrepiece of the debate on the renewal of Trident is the money it would cost and how it would be used elsewhere.
défier, contester, mettre en question
to challenge
attaquer une politique
The policy was _________ by a number of top politicians.
to challenge a policy
The policy was challenged by a number of top politicians.
un défi
Supplying energy to meet the needs of growing economies whilst reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a global ________ we all face.
a challenge
Supplying energy to meet the needs of growing economies whilst reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a global challenge we all face.
la stimulation qu’offrent les nouvelles idées
the challenge of new ideas
The challenge of new ideas has often spurred governments on to make landmark changes throughout history.