Leçon 18 Flashcards
une impasse
The Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations have reached a _______.
a deadlock
The Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations have reached a deadlock.
dans l’impasse, en difficulté
The EU is now _______ on the whole question of working time.
The EU is now deadlocked on the whole question of working time.
Les pourparlers de paix sont dans l’impasse.
The peace talks have reached (a) deadlock.
sans expression, qui ne montre pas d’émotion
se séparer du personnel improductif
The advice of particularly shrewd CEOs is that _________ is sometimes difficult but certainly worth the financial gain.
to get rid of the deadwood in the office
The advice of particularly shrewd CEOs is that getting rid of the deadwood in the office is sometimes difficult but certainly worth the financial gain.
Lower classes should be taxed less? It’s _______.
Lower classes should be taxed less? It’s debatable.
to debunk
démentir le mythe, démystifier
The Chancellor sought to _______ the widespread belief that taxes should increase.
to debunk a myth / the myth that
The Chancellor sought to debunk the widespread belief that taxes should increase.
la détérioration
the decay
la dégradation morale
Due to the divorce rate being higher than ever, much of the older generation is complaining that society is falling into a state of __________.
moral decay
Due to the divorce rate being higher than ever, much of the older generation is complaining that society is falling into a state of moral decay.
tomber en pleine décrépitude
This stately home used to be beautiful, but the family couldn’t afford its upkeep so it has ___________.
to fall into decay
This stately home used to be beautiful, but the family couldn’t afford its upkeep so it has fallen into decay.
If a president is _________ incapable of performing his duties it is possible that he could be impeached.
to deem
If a president is deemed incapable of performing his duties it is possible that he could be impeached.
approfondir, devenir plus intense
France and Germany have _________ their cooperation in their policy against drugs.
to deepen
France and Germany have deepened their cooperation in their policy against drugs.
profondément enraciné
the city of New York has always had _________ problems with organised crime.
the city of New York has always had deep-rooted problems with organised crime.
There is a _______ fear within China that the government will punish anyone who complains.
There is a deep-seated fear within China that the government will punish anyone who complains.
une défaite
a defeat
subir une défaire cuisante de la part de
It is well-known history that Napoleon __________ the coalition led by the Duke of Wellington.
to suffer a crushing defeat at the hands of
It is well-known history that Napoleon suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the coalition led by the Duke of Wellington.
tenir parole
to deliver the goods
He’s all talk but no action - he has to deliver the goods!
Maintaining our firm’s reputation and position as a global leader in our industry _________ a commitment to excellence in service, ethical business practices and compliance with the law.
Following the September 11 attacks, the United States government has ________ the names of passengers of all flights originating outside the United States for screening prior to arrival in the US.
to demand
Maintaining our firm’s reputation and position as a global leader in our industry demands a commitment to excellence in service, ethical business practices and compliance with the law.
Following the September 11 attacks, the United States government has demanded the names of passengers of all flights originating outside the United States for screening prior to arrival in the US.
Maintaining my firm’s reputation is a ________ task.
Maintaining my firm’s reputation is a demanding task.
nier toute responsabilité
The IRA _________ the bombing in Dublin at the weekend.
to deny responsibility for
The IRA deny all responsibility for the bombing in Dublin at the weekend.
être dépassé
Newer politicians who ________ will either be voted quickly out of office or defy expectations and rise through the ranks.
to be out of one’s depth
Newer politicians who are out of their depths will either be voted quickly out of office or defy expectations and rise through the ranks.
Children who are ________ of an education have less chances of becoming successful.
to deprive
Children who are deprived of an education have less chances of becoming successful.
désobligeant, vexant
This word has a _______ meaning (péjoratif).
This word has a derogatory meaning (péjoratif).
Many Islamic fundamentalists _______ the Western countries for their moral depravity.
to despise
Many Islamic fundamentalists despise the Western countries for their moral depravity.
montrer un détachement marqué
Young people today ___________ the rest of their society.
to show marked detachment (from)
Young people today show a marked detachment from the rest of their society.
une crise économique
an economic crisis
un problème économique
an economic issue