Leçon 15 Flashcards
mener à, conduire à (une situation ou un résultat)
The use of soft drugs can _________ the use of harder ones.
to conduce to (a situation or outcome)
The use of soft drugs can conduce to the use of harder ones.
être favorable / propice à
There is a definite consensus amongst political commentators that the west’s policy regarding Syria and the surrounding regions _________ a peaceful solution.
to be conducive to
There is a definite consensus amongst political commentators that the west’s policy regarding Syria and the surrounding regions is not conducive to a peaceful solution.
envisager, étudier
In the wake of the announcement of heavy losses, the Chairman suggested that a restructuring of activities was being _______.
to consider
In the wake of the announcement of heavy losses, the Chairman suggested that a restructuring of activities was being considered.
une mûre réflexion
After _________ the government has decided to go with its conscience and has imposed a sugar tax.
careful consideration
After careful consideration the government has decided to go with its conscience and has imposed a sugar tax.
criant, qui saute aux yeux
The Press underlines the ______ absence of the Queen.
The Press underlines the conspicuous absence of the Queen.
to consume
la consommation
un consommateur
a consumer
les biens de consommation
consumer goods
la société de consommation
Over the years the USA has transitioned into the model of a _______.
consumer society
Over the years the USA has transitioned into the model of a consumer society.
le mépris
contempt (scorn)
lutter contre, se disputer, combattre
Smaller parties cannot ________ the larger funding of mainstream ones.
to contend with
Smaller parties cannot contend with the larger funding of mainstream ones.
prétendre que
The minister ________ he had never taken any bribe.
to contend that
The minister contended that he had never taken any bribe.
un rival
At one point, Donald Trump did not look like a reasonable ________ in the political sphere.
a contender
At one point, Donald Trump did not look like a reasonable contender in the political sphere.
contesté, litigieux
Some European policies are very ________, notably the commitment to an internal market based on free and distorted competition.
Some European policies are very contentious, notably the commitment to an internal market based on free and distorted competition.
une question litigieuse, controversée
a contentious issue
The new minister’s views on education became a contentious issue.
une éventualité
We must be prepared for every ________.
a contingency
We must be prepared for every contingency.
des plans d’urgence
We have ______ ready in case there is another flood.
contingency plans
We have contingency plans ready in case there is another flood.
dépendre de, être subordonné à
The future of communities in Bangladesh devastated by natural disasters ____________ foreign aid.
to be contingent on (to depend on)
The future of communities in Bangladesh devastated by natural disasters is contingent upon foreign aid.
un sujet à controverse
Illegal immigration remains such a _________ in today’s world.
a controversial issue
Illegal immigration remains such a controversial issue in today’s world.
un problème inextricable
The issue of illegal immigrants in Paris has become a real _________ for the authorities.
a conundrum
The issue of illegal immigrants in Paris has become a real conundrum for the authorities.
exprimer, transmettre
If the Scottish Parliament wants to ________ the impression that it has influence, it needs to pass meaningful legislation.
to convey
If the Scottish Parliament wants to convey the impression that it has influence, it needs to pass meaningful legislation.
une idée reçue
The rural American electorate is fond of down to earth candidates who exhibit ___________.
conventional wisdom
The rural American electorate is fond of down to earth candidates who exhibit conventional wisdom.
faire face à (un problème, etc.)
The working classes have not been able to ________ the latest rise in taxes, it has crippled their buying power.
to cope with
The working classes have not been able to cope with the latest rise in taxes, it has crippled their buying power.
la pierre angulaire, la première pierre
Employment is the ________ of the government’s social policy.
the cornerstone
Employment is the cornerstone of the government’s social policy.
il est anglais jusqu’au bout des ongles
he is English to the core
une société (commerciale ou industrielle)
a corporation
… des entreprises
The demonstrators in Davos claimed they wanted to fight ________ (la soif d’argent des entreprises).
The demonstrators in Davos claimed they wanted to fight corporate greed (la soif d’argent des entreprises).
les bénéfices des entreprises
corporate profits
un cours
a course
une ligne de conduite
Nobody in the current Conservative Party in Britain is sure of the right _________ to take regarding international affairs.
a course of action
Nobody in the current Conservative Party in Britain is sure of the right course of action to take regarding international affairs.
au cours du temps
in the course of time
en temps utile
At the time, nobody thought Donald Trump was capable of acting as president, but _________, no matter their opinions of his policies, he showed that was a president who took action.
in due course
At the time, nobody thought Donald Trump was capable of acting as president, but in due course, no matter their opinions of his policies, he showed that was a president who took action.
laisser les événements suivre leur cours
Some UN officials strive to change the world, others are just there for the salary and __________.
to let events run their course
Some UN officials strive to change the world, others are just there for the salary and let events run their course.
Find an expression
That was accurate!
That was right on the money!
Find an expression
This decision was applied to everyone.
This decision was applied across the board.
Find an expression
She made a lot of money in her last deal.
She made a killing in her last deal.
Find an expression
We are coming down the last part of something.
We are coming down the home stretch.