Leçon 17 Flashcards
limiter, freiner
The use of cars on hot summer days should be ________ in city centres in order to curb pollution.
to curtail
The use of cars on hot summer days should be curtailed in city centres in order to curb pollution.
amortir, atténuer
The social effects of unemployment are _________ by higher unemployment benefits.
to cushion
The social effects of unemployment are cushioned by higher unemployment benefits.
réduire les coûts
Multinationals are pressing into even more markets from Chile to China. They are also contracting out an increasing proportion of their production to low-range countries to help ________.
to cut costs
Multinationals are pressing into even more markets from Chile to China. They are also contracting out an increasing proportion of their production to low-range countries to help cut costs.
simple, clair et net
There is no _______ answer to the problem of our fossil fuel supplies running out.
cut and dried
There is no cut and dried answer to the problem of our fossil fuel supplies running out.
des dégâts, des dommages
subir des dégâts sévères / graves
The candidate’s election campaign ________ the latest scandal.
to suffer severe/bad damage from
The candidate’s election campaign suffered severe damage from the latest scandal.
nuire considérablement à
Several people thought that ll of the scandals involving Donald Trump would _________ his election campaign.
to do considerable / extensive damage to
Several people thought that ll of the scandals involving Donald Trump would do considerable damage to his election campaign.
un danger menaçant
North Korea’s nuclear capacity is _________ to us all.
a looming danger
North Korea’s nuclear capacity is a looming danger to us all.
se précipiter
In the final days of a general election candidates will _________ to campaign in as many regions as possible in as little time as possible.
to dash
In the final days of a general election candidates will dash to campaign in as many regions as possible in as little time as possible.
anéantir (espoir, attentes)
All hopes for a peace-agreement were _________ after the President’s assassination.
to dash hopes / expectations
All hopes for a peace-agreement were dashed after the President’s assassination.
à ce jour
to date
être à jour
to be up to date
périmé, démodé
out of date
redoutable, décourageant, intimidant
une redoutable expérience
a daunting experience
déterminé, sans peur
sans se décourager
to daunt
les jours de bonheur paisible, souvent passés (fait référence à une période où tout allait bien)
Certain Labour party members will often talk about the ‘___________’ of Tony Blair’s administration.
halcyon days
Certain Labour party members will often talk about the ‘halcyon days’ of Tony Blair’s administration.
dans le plus grand sérieux
The President’s administration went about carrying out his plan ________.
in dead earnest
The President’s administration went about carrying out his plan in dead earnest.
il est très sérieux, il ne plaisante pas
he is dead earnest
s’opposer absolument à quelque chose
Republicans _______ usually _________ restricting the use of firearms.
to be dead set against something
Republicans are usually dead set against restricting the use of firearms.
une impasse / un trou perdu
a dead-end
un travail sans avenir
If you are working in a _________ it means your career is not going to advance at all and the phrase has negative connotations.
a dead-end job
If you are working in a dead-end job it means your career is not going to advance at all and the phrase has negative connotations.
être dans une impasse
Unfortunately, after several hours the peacekeeping force’s negotiations ______________.
to come to a dead end
Unfortunately, after several hours the peacekeeping force’s negotiations came to a dead end.
The bill was far too radical for the Senate’s taste and lost support, it was _________.
dead in the water
The bill was far too radical for the Senate’s taste and lost support, it was dead in the water.
pile à l’heure
CEOs like Elon Musk and Richard Branson believe that if an employee is not ___________. they should be fired.
dead on time
CEOs like Elon Musk and Richard Branson believe that if an employee is not dead on time, they should be fired.
une date butoir, une date limite imposée, une échéance
Often Presidents will set a _________ by which they wish to pass a bill in their inaugurational speech, if they miss it their approval ratings will surely drop.
a deadline
Often Presidents will set a deadline by which they wish to pass a bill in their inaugurational speech, if they miss it their approval ratings will surely drop.