Leçon 11 Flashcards
The speed with which certain African economies are developing is _______.
The speed with which certain African economies are developing is breathtaking.
une percée, une découverte capitale
The contraceptive pill was one of the most important medical ______ of the 20th century.
a breakthrough
The contraceptive pill was one of the most important medical breakthrough of the 20th century.
There was a scandal when the media reported that the President had been _____.
to bribe
There was a scandal when the media reported that the President had been bribed.
combler un “fossé”
We’re ________ between the elderly and the young.
to bridge (close) a gap
We’re bridging the gap between the elderly and the young.
le beau côté (de la vie)
Even though they are subject to more adverse socio-economic conditions, people in the third world can often be quicker to look on ________ than those from first world countries.
the bright side (of life)
Even though they are subject to more adverse socio-economic conditions, people in the third world can often be quicker to look on the bright side than those from first world countries.
désorganiser, créer des ravages
A collapse in the American stock market is always certain to ________ the financial world.
to bring havoc (to)
A collapse in the American stock market is always certain to bring havoc to the financial world.
mettre fin à quelque chose
America _____ its involvement in climate change treaties like the Paris Agreement _______ is sure to have consequences for the environment.
to bring something to an end
America bringing its involvement in climate change treaties like the Paris Agreement to an end is sure to have consequences for the environment.
provoquer un bouleversement
The miner’s strike that took place during the eighties ______ in the British Labour movement and is a strong part of Labour’s anti-Conservative rhetoric to this day.
to bring about an upheaval
The miner’s strike that took place during the eighties brought about a major upheaval in the British Labour movement and is a strong part of Labour’s anti-Conservative rhetoric to this day.
mettre quelque chose en lumière
to bring something to light
le bord
The Russian economy is on the ______ of bankruptcy.
the brink
The Russian economy is on the brink of bankruptcy.
élargir, s’élargir
Whenever the government tries to ______ its foreign aid initiative, it often comes up against resistance.
to broaden
Whenever the government tries to broaden its foreign aid initiative, it often comes up against resistance.
en gros, généralement parlant
_______, the Republicans and the Democrats are the only parties of importance in America.
broadly speaking
Broadly speaking, the Republicans and the Democrats are the only parties of importance in America.
bouger, changer d’avis
No matter the political efforts of several politicians, the American Government will not ______ on the issue of gun laws.
to budge
No matter the political efforts of several politicians, the American Government will not budge on the issue of gun laws.
un butoir, un tampon
a buffer
une zone tampon
Many people considered the Eastern Bloc a _________ between the USSR and its Western European enemies.
a buffer zone
Many people considered the Eastern Bloc a buffer zone between the USSR and its Western European enemies.
le cauchemar (fig.), la bête noire
It was the real ________ of every conversation.
It was the real bugbear of every conversation.
le gros de, la majeure partie de
According to the latest opinion polls, ______ French voters are satisfied with the present policy.
the bulk of
According to the latest opinion polls, the bulk of French voters are satisfied with the present policy.
Le gros du travail est fait.
The bulk of the work is done.
rater, bousiller
There is a certain consensus that the UN has _______ its efforts to solve conflicts abroad.
to bungle (to botch)
There is a certain consensus that the UN has bungled its efforts to solve conflicts abroad.
un travail bâclé
The investigation into accusations of corruption against the Congressman was _______ and yielded no interesting results.
a bungled job, a botched job
The investigation into accusations of corruption against the Congressman was a botched job and yielded no interesting results.
tourner autour du pot
It is very rare for anybody in political office to not _______ when it comes to controversial issues.
to beat around the bush
It is very rare for anybody in political office to not beat around the bush when it comes to controversial issues.
un fardeau
The huge number of unemployed people constitutes a heavy ________ on tax-payers.
a burden
The huge number of unemployed people constitutes a heavy burden on tax-payers.
un sujet brûlant
a burning issue
Social inequality is a burning issue these days.
éclater, exploser
to burst
une explosion - un élan, un accès
a burst
enterrer la hache de guerre
The Vice-President never managed to ________ with regards to all their disagreements with the President and so he resigned.
to bury the hatchet
The Vice-President never managed to bury the hatchet with regards to all their disagreements with the President and so he resigned.
faire faillite
How can a giant like General Motors ______?
to go bust (fam.)
How can a giant like General Motors go bust?
étayer, soutenir
The liberalisation of the economy should be _______ by new guarantees of solidarity.
to buttress
The liberalisation of the economy should be buttressed by new guarantees of solidarity.
une expression à la mode
Natural and functional are the latest ________ in the food industry.
a buzzword
Natural and functional are the latest buzzwords in the food industry.
généralement parlant
________, we have to accept other ideas, in a society as multicultural as ours.
by and large
By and large, we have to accept other ideas, in a society as multicultural as ours.
Find the expression
You did it. Now you have to accept the consequences of your actions.
You did it, now you have to face the music.
Find the expression
After the fire, Nigel had to begin from the beginning.
After the fire, Nigel had to start from scratch.
Find the expression
He did not show his emotions.
He kept a stiff upper lip.
Find the expression
His story didn’t sound credible.
His story seemed a little fishy.
Find the expression
He is someone with a lot of experience.
He’s an old hand at this.