Leçon 19 Flashcards
dissuader de
These new measures will _______ consumers ________ buying diesel cars.
to deter from
These new measures will deter consumers from buying diesel cars.
un moyen de dissuasion
a deterrent
la force de dissuasion
deterrent force
un effet disuasif contre la fraude
The fines imposed on people who commit fraud are _________ it.
an effective / powerful deterrent against fraud
The fines imposed on people who commit fraud are a powerful deterrent against it.
servir de moyen de dissuasion contre
An argument in favour of the death penalty is that it _________ crime.
to serve as a deterrent contre
An argument in favour of the death penalty is that it serves as a deterrent against crime.
être nuisible à
Smoking _______ your health.
to be detrimental to
Smoking is detrimental to your health.
dévaster / ravager
to devastate
être dévasté / être bouleversé
All British people ________ by Lady Diana’s death.
to be devastated
All British people were devastated by Lady Diana’s death.
Les forêts tropicales sont de plus en plus ravagées par la déforestation.
Rain forests are increasingly devastated by deforestation.
un appareil, un dispositif, un procédé, un truc
Mass production and expanding development in the third world means that more and more people are gaining access to domestic _________.
a device
Mass production and expanding development in the third world means that more and more people are gaining access to domestic devices.
tortueux, détourné
un plan détourné
a devious scheme
être dépourvu de
The European Commission’s handling of the immigration crisis ________ any compassion.
to be devoid of
The European Commission’s handling of the immigration crisis was devoid of any compassion.
incomber / déléguer
Corsicans expect the French government to _______ their power to the elected Corsican authorities.
to devolve
Corsicans expect the French government to devolve their power to the elected Corsican authorities.
Il incombe au directeur général de signer le marché.
It devolves on the chief executive to sign the deal.
décentralisation, transfert de pouvoir
consacrer à
It is now time for Europe to move on and to _______ all its efforts _____ the issues that matter: economic growth, jobs, climate change and security.
to devote to
It is now time for Europe to move on and to devote all its efforts to the issues that matter: economic growth, jobs, climate change and security.
risqué, hasardeux
Acheter des actions de la nouvelle économie reste une affaire risquée.
dicey (dice: les dés)
Buying New Economy shares remains a dicey business.
faire la différence
The French National Front doesn’t _______ between races: they should all go back home, whatever their colour.
to differentiate
The French National Front doesn’t differentiate between races: they should all go back home, whatever their colour.
être difficile à avaler
The new taxes handed down to the working classes ____ rather _______.
to be difficult to swallow
The new taxes handed down to the working classes was rather difficult to swallow.
creuser, fouiller
Saudi Arabia’s successful expeditions _____ for oil have made them a wealthy state.
to dig
Saudi Arabia’s successful expeditions digging for oil have made them a wealthy state.
un faible espoir
There is still ______ amongst the Democrats supporters that they will one day oust the Republicans from Congress.
a dim hope
There is still dim hope amongst the Democrats supporters that they will one day oust the Republicans from Congress.
un vague souvenir
That was just a _______ that we prefer not to talk about.
a dim memory
That was just a dim memory that we prefer not to talk about.
désordre, chaos
être en pleine confusion
After having lost several key constituencies in the elections the Liberal Democrats _______.
to be in disarray
After having lost several key constituencies in the elections the Liberal Democrats were in disarray.
tomber dans le chaos
Once states in the East began to declare independence consistently the whole USSR _______.
to fall into disarray
Once states in the East began to declare independence consistently the whole USSR fell into disarray.
un désastre
a disaster
s’avérer être un désastre complet
North Korea’s policy of Juche has _______ with regards to its ability to feed its population.
to turn out to be a total/unmitigated disaster
North Korea’s policy of Juche has turned out to be a total disaster with regards to its ability to feed its population.
écarter, ne pas tenir compte
One of the key elements of the green agenda is that we should not make products out of plastic that we _______ after one use.
to discard
One of the key elements of the green agenda is that we should not make products out of plastic that we discard after one use.
divulguer, révéler
Whether or not big corporations should have to publicly ______ their tax returns is a matter currently up for debate.
to disclose
Whether or not big corporations should have to publicly disclose their tax returns is a matter currently up for debate.
une révélation
The _______ of the Crédit Lyonnais’s financial plight came as a bombshell (a fait l’effet d’une bombe).
a disclosure
The disclosure of the Crédit Lyonnais’s financial plight came as a bombshell (a fait l’effet d’une bombe).