Leçon 20 Flashcards
une différence, une divergence, un désaccord
There is still a significant _________ between the salaries of male and of female employees.
a discrepancy
There is still a significant discrepancy between the salaries of male and of female employees.
faire capoter, ruiner
All hopes of early release of the hostages seem to have been _________ for the time being.
to dash
All hopes of early release of the hostages seem to have been dashed for the time being.
distribuer généreusement
The socialist government is often accused of __________ subsidies to people who are not entitled to them (qui n’y ont pas droit).
to dish out
The socialist government is often accused of dishing out subsidies to people who are not entitled to them (qui n’y ont pas droit).
sombre, triste
The French team’s _________ performance in the World Cup led to rioting across the country.
The French team’s dismal performance in the World Cup led to rioting across the country.
la consternation, l’effarement
être consterné
The whole country _________ to hear about the embezzlement scandal in the White House.
to be dismayed
The whole country was dismayed to hear about the embezzlement scandal in the White House.
congédier, licencier
to dismiss
un licenciement
When the country started losing money there were a lot of _________.
a dismissal
When the country started losing money there were a lot of dismissals.
rejeter une idée
The journalist ______ the commonly held _______ that the president is a puppet leader of a government controlled by the vice-president.
to dismiss an idea
The journalist dismissed the commonly held idea that the president is a puppet leader of a government controlled by the vice-president.
désavouer, renier
Unfortunately, he was _________ by his family after the terrible rumours which had been spread.
to disown
Unfortunately, he was disowned by his family after the terrible rumours which had been spread.
afficher, montrer au grand jour, étaler
Les nouveaux-riches de Moscou s’empressent d’étaler leurs fourrures, leurs bijoux, leurs dents en or et leurs voitures de luxe.
to display
The newly-rich Moscovites are eager to display their furs, their jewels, their golden teeth and their posh cars.
jeter, se débarrasser de
Certaines industries ne savent toujours pas comment se débarrasser de leurs déchets nuisibles.
to dispose of
Some industries are still at a loss about how to dispose of their noxious waste.
un rasoir jetable
a disposable razor
bouteilles, emballages etc., jetables
disposables (bottles, containers…)
une débat, une polémique - un conflit
a dispute
Many people believe that the Prime Minister’s accession to his position was not exactly democratic, they believe the legitimacy of it was _______.
Many people believe that the Prime Minister’s accession to his position was not exactly democratic, they believe the legitimacy of it was disputable.
There is a great deal of disquiet about the threat of global warming.
briser, perturber
The joyousness of the royal wedding was _________ by riots and protesting.
to disrupt
The joyousness of the royal wedding was disrupted by riots and protesting.
une rupture, une perturbation
The weather has _________ the traffic.
The Tube’s improvement works will inevitably result in some ________ for passengers but London underground is working hard to provide information and alternative travel options.
The weather has disrupted the traffic.
The Tube’s improvement works will inevitably result in some disruption for passengers but London underground is working hard to provide information and alternative travel options.
une influence perturbatrice
a disruptive influence
une différence d’opinion
There has been significant ________ amongst the British aristocracy regarding their diminishing authority and role in society.
There has been significant dissent amongst the British aristocracy regarding their diminishing authority and role in society.
différer (d’opinion)
to dissent
la détresse, la douleur
It is unbearable to witness the ________ of people who are compelled to leave their homes and families.
It is unbearable to witness the distress of people who are compelled to leave their homes and families.
The latest news about Ulster is quite _______.
The latest news about Ulster is quite distressing.
abandonner (un projet)
Barack Obama was forced to _______ his healthcare reform.
to ditch
Barack Obama was forced to ditch his healthcare reform.
une ultime tentative
They made _______ to achieve progress before the deadline passed to get the bill through Congress.
a last-ditch attempt
They made a last-ditch attempt to achieve progress before the deadline passed to get the bill through Congress.
You can’t afford to ________. Either you take up the offer or you allow the business to wind down.
to dither [di·thuh]
You can’t afford to dither. Either you take up the offer or you allow the business to wind down.
Hotels are expensive in London and ______ the restaurants, this massive difference in comparison to the rest of the country is what led to the different minimum wages.
Hotels are expensive in London and ditto the restaurants, this massive difference in comparison to the rest of the country is what led to the different minimum wages.
de but en blanc
bâtir des châteaux en Espagne
to build castles in the sky
du tac au tac
tit for tat
faire la sourde oreille
to turn a deaf ear
parler à coeur ouvert (avec)
to have a heart-to-heart talk (with)
dire à quelqu’un ses quatre vérités
to tell someone a few home truths
en un mot comme en cent
to cut a long story short
les tenants et les aboutissants de
the ins and outs of
le pourquoi et le comment
the whys and wherefores
(peser) le pour et le contre
(to weigh) the pros and cons
mettre les points sur les “i”
to dot the i’s and cross the t’s
un point c’est tout
that is it
couper les cheveux en quatre
to split hairs
être aux antipodes de
to be poles apart