Leçon 10 Flashcards
une aubaine
Immigrants bringing interesting aspects of their culture with them can be a _____ to host countries.
a boon
Immigrants bringing interesting aspects of their culture with them can be a boon to host countries.
augmenter, donner un coup de pouce, encourager
The depreciation of the dollar has ______ the US exports.
to boost
The depreciation of the dollar has boosted the US exports.
une frontière
a border
Rester dans les limites de la légalité
To remain within the borders of legality.
avoisiner, être proche de, friser (fig.)
The status of women in Afghanistan ______ slavery (est proche de l’esclavage).
to border on
The status of women in Afghanistan borders on slavery (est proche de l’esclavage).
être “limite” (fam.)
His behaviour became out of control, perhaps ______ violent.
to be borderline
His behaviour became out of control, perhaps borderline violent.
en avoir assez de
A YouGov survey revealed 30 % of Britons ______ hearing about CO2 emissions.
to be bored of
A YouGov survey revealed 30 % of Britons are bored of hearing about CO2 emissions.
She was so ______ when it came to administration tasks.
Bossy describes the attitude of a person always telling other people what to do.
She was so bossy when it came to administration tasks.
un goulet d’étranglement
There is unfortunately no way of getting around this bureaucratic ________.
a bottleneck
There is unfortunately no way of getting around this bureaucratic bottleneck.
The company needs streamlining ________.
from top to bottom
The company needs streamlining from top to bottom.
le résultat
______ is that we will not be able to complete the project on time.
the bottom line
The bottom line is that we will not be able to complete the project on time.
toucher son niveau le plus bas
Le prix du pétrole est descendu jusqu’à 12 dollars le baril et s’est remis à remonter légèrement.
to bottom out
The price of oil bottomed out at $12 a barrel and has now started to edge up again.
démolir un argument
The statistics __________ that turnover was increasing.
to knock the bottom out of an argument
The statistics knocked the bottom out of the argument that turnover was increasing.
des limites
The cruelty of terrorists ____________ (ne connaît pas de limites).
The cruelty of terrorists knows no bounds (ne connaît pas de limites).
(être) très probable que
It is _________ that dictatorships will continue to exist in Africa.
(to be) within the bounds of probability
It is within the bounds of probability that dictatorships will continue to exist in Africa.
une frontière, une limite
a boundary
une crise, une poussée
Elderly people are very prone to severe _____ of illness.
a bout
Elderly people are very prone to severe bouts of illness.
une poussée de fièvre
a bout of fever
une crise inflationniste
a bout of inflation
s’incliner devant l’inévitable/la majorité
The government _______ and lowered taxes for the rich.
to bow to the inevitable / majority
The government bowed to the inevitable and lowered taxes for the rich.
s’inclinant face à la pression de
The Prime Minister eventually gave in and ______the public.
bowing to the pressure of
The Prime Minister eventually gave in and bowed to the pressure of the public.
se préparer pour une épreuve
Civilians in Bangladesh are unfortunately becoming used to ______ yet another natural disaster.
to brace oneself for
Civilians in Bangladesh are unfortunately becoming used to bracing themselves for yet another natural disaster.
assimiler à
Genetic engineering ought not to be ______ standard scientific experimentation.
Genetic engineering and scientific research as a whole should not be ________.
to bracket with (to bracket together)
Genetic engineering ought not to be bracketed with standard scientific experimentation.
Genetic engineering and scientific research as a whole should not be bracketed together.
être (rester) entre parenthèses
Abortion is one of the most controversial issues on the agenda and many of the references ______- an indication that there is no consensus on them.
to be (remain) between brackets
Abortion is one of the most controversial issues on the agenda and many of the references remain between brackets - an indication that there is no consensus on them.
la fuite des cerveaux
Many young Kuwaitis go abroad to seek better paid work - as a result there is a huge _________ in the Gulf.
brain drain
Many young Kuwaitis go abroad to seek better paid work - as a result there is a huge brain drain in the Gulf.
avoir une idée géniale
In the competitive state of today’s market it is not enough to just ‘_______’ if you wish to succeed.
to have a brainwave
In the competitive state of today’s market it is not enough to just ‘have a brainwave’ if you wish to succeed.
lever le pied
Since it received a generous donation WaterAid has been able to ______ and make a lot of progress on its project.
to release the brakes
Since it received a generous donation WaterAid has been able to release the brakes and make a lot of progress on its project.
une infraction - une brèche
I have sued for ______ of contract.
a breach
I have sued for breach of contract.
rompre l’équilibre (fragile) (entre)
If Russia pursues more expansionist goals in Europe, it may ________ nations in the region.
to break (upset) the (delicate) balance (between)
If Russia pursues more expansionist goals in Europe, it may upset the balance of power between nations in the region.
le point de rupture
The situation had reached ______ and finally help arrived.
the breaking-point
The situation had reached breaking point and finally help arrived.
pénétrer un marché
Every young entrepreneur hopes to _________.
to break into a market
Every young entrepreneur hopes to break into a new market.