Leçon 13 Flashcards
représenter un changement significatif / profond
The report on homelessness ________ British governmental policy.
to mark a significant / profound change in
The report on homelessness marks a significant change in British governmental policy.
les gauches caviar
The Communist Party of Great Britain refers to Labour as _______ and not really committed to a left-wing ideology.
champagne socialists
The Communist Party of Great Britain refers to Labour as champagne socialists and not really committed to a left-wing ideology.
canaliser, diriger
A lot of money has been ___________ research for aid.
to channel (into)
A lot of money has been channelled into research for aid.
fustiger, critiquer sévèrement
The State Department _______ several of Washington’s closest allies and biggest trading partners for human rights abuses.
to chastise
The State Department chastised several of Washington’s closest allies and biggest trading partners for human rights abuses.
les intellectuels, les intellos
__________ have always discussed modern progress.
the chattering classes
The chattering classes have always discussed modern progress.
maîtriser, contenir, mettre un frein à
The candidate keeps saying he will _______ inflation.
to put a check on
The candidate keeps saying he will put a check on inflation.
Le gouvernement s’efforce de contenir la violence urbaine.
The government endeavours to put a check on urban violence.
Children and young people are much more _______ than they used to be, this seems like a generalization but sociologists believe it to be an interesting evolution in society due to rapidly changing cultural norms.
Children and young people are much more cheeky than they used to be, this seems like a generalization but sociologists believe it to be an interesting evolution in society due to rapidly changing cultural norms.
un jeu d’enfant
He’s had so much experience in banks that trading stocks is __________.
child’s play
He’s had so much experience in banks that trading stocks is child’s play.
froidement, de manière glaciale
The way in which North Korea treats its political opponents has been described ________ by individuals who have escaped the regime.
The way in which North Korea treats its political opponents has been described chillingly by individuals who have escaped the regime.
prétendre / revendiquer
A group of Islamists has _________ responsibility for the bomb attack.
to claim
A group of Islamists has claimed responsibility for the bomb attack.
Les chasseurs prétendent qu’ils sont des défenseurs de la nature.
Hunters claim that they are defenders of nature.
mettre un terme à, supprimer, serrer la vis
The new government has made an effort to _______ illegal immigration.
to clamp down on
The new government has made an effort to clamp down on illegal immigration.
net, précis, clair, bien délimité
The prosecution has a _______ case (there are no doubts about it).
The prosecution has a clear-cut case (there are no doubts about it).
to make a clear/clear-cut/ sharp contrast/distinction (between)
une situation à suspense, un moment d’angoisse
a cliffhanger
un apogée, un point culminant
The Olympics reached a _______ with its spectacular closing ceremony.
a climax
The Olympics reached a climax with its spectacular closing ceremony.
s’accorcher, se cramponner à
The minister of Education seems to _______ his reform in spit of the Union’s criticisms.
to cling to
The minister of Education seems to cling to his reform in spit of the Union’s criticisms.
une ombre à l’horizon
The threat of this planet’s fossil fuel reserves being used up is a constant looming _______.
a cloud on the horizon
The threat of this planet’s fossil fuel reserves being used up is a constant looming cloud on the horizon.
It is a good sign for a presidential candidate when they are able to come up with _______ arguments during the presidential debates.
cogent /ˈkəʊdʒənt/
It is a good sign for a presidential candidate when they are able to come up with cogent arguments during the presidential debates.
L’économie russe est au bord de l’effondrement.
to collapse
The Russian economy is on the brink of collapse.
Due to Brexit, social mobility has _________.
to come to a standstill
Due to Brexit, social mobility has come to a standstill.
se réduire à
to come down to the fact that
= actually, after taking everything into account
Despite their disagreements on certain topics, _________ Britain and the USA are still staunch allies in the face of international threats.
when it comes down to it
Despite their disagreements on certain topics, when it comes down to it Britain and the USA are still staunch allies in the face of international threats.
parvenir à une conclusion
It is not unreasonable to _______ that the Middle east will not be free of conflict for years to come.
to come to a conclusion
It is not unreasonable to come to the conclusion that the Middle east will not be free of conflict for years to come.
affronter un problème
The staff had a large meeting and began to ________ of reduced turnover.
to get to grips with a problem
The staff had a large meeting and began to get to grips with the problem of reduced turnover.
atteindre un point critique
The arguments _______ at the G8 summit.
to come to a head
The arguments came to a head at the G8 summit.
se rallier à une idée, changer de point de vue
to come around
The President gradually came around to the idea of a bill he initially had reservations about.