Lec 6- adaption evolution Flashcards
change in allele frequencies within gene pool over time, can lead to speciation
ecology and evolution
- no evolutionary processes without ecological interactions
- no ecology w/o population and species produced through evolution
Darwin and Galapogos
- organisms must be descended from a common ancestor whose descendants changed after reaching each island in slightly diff ways
- diff species of diff islands more closely related to each other than they are to species found on mainland
- diff species of closely related organisms on diff islands, evolved diff morphologies as consequence of diff environmental pressures = Natural selection
People of Evolution (3)
- both did the diversity of natural selection
Mendel - genetics and traits passed through inheritance
- process that changes populations of organism over time
how are characteristics passed from parent to offspring?
- through genes (discrete packets of info)
- alternative forms of genes: alleles
diff forms of a gene
gene pool
sum total of all alleles in pop
change in allele frequencies w/in gene pool
attribute of organism such as behavior, morphology and physiology
set of genes organism carries
how does evolution occur?
through changes in allele frequency over time within a population
- requires phenotypic variation that is heritable
what causes phenotypic variation?
genes usually expressed due to environmental factors
phenotype combo of organism’s genes under certain environmental conditions
phenotypic plasticity
variation as a result of environmental influences
- genes get turned on and off
- hydrangeas changes color based on soil acidity
Variation equation
vT = vG + vE
- total = genetic + environmental
heritability equation
h2 = vG/vT
= vG/ (vG + vE)
0 = completely environmental determined
1 = completely genetically determined
Natural selection
one mechanism of evolution
- many offspring produce, not all survive
- traits vary among individuals w/in pop and may be heritable
- some heritable traits give advantage
- advantageous traits, conferring higher fitness become more common
bill depth varies w/in medium ground finch species
major drought hot n1976-1979
- drought associated w decline in seed abundance and increase in seed hardiness
- some die and population evolved
- bill depth shifted during drought to higher values
directional selection
type of natural selection in which extreme phenotype become more frequent
- drought imposed strong selective pressures on beak depth distribution = favoring phenotypes with deeper beaks and crack seeds more easily avoiding starvation
stabilizing selection
type of natural selection in which avg phenotype increases in frequency and extreme phenotypes decrease in frequency
- egg size in Ural owls
1. v large and small have low hatching rate
2. low fertility in females producing v small or large eggs
disruptive selection
type of natural selection in which 2 or more extreme phenotypes become more frequent and avg phenotype becomes less frequent
- finches w short beaks prefer partners w short beaks and finches w larger beaks tend to prefer mates with larger beaks - non-random mating
traits that have been selected for through natural selection
- more common and frequent
- physical and ecological processes interact with natural selection and other random processes to produce new species
- gene drift, flow and mutations
what is a species
group of actually or potentially interbreeding pop which are reproductively isolated from other groups
reproductive isolation
mechanisms of reproductive isolation b/f zygote can be formed
prezygotic: ecological, temporal, behavioral, mechanical
mechanism of repro isolation when zygote forms, but offspring cannot survive or reproduce
postzygotic: hybrid inviability, hybrid sterility
allopatric speciation
geographically isolated populations
parapatric speciation
continuously distributed population
- too far to mate
- over time = speciation needed
sympatric speciation
within range of ancestral population
- coexist
- 2 diff sub-populations with diff behavioral cues