Lec 11-12 Cardiac electrical activity at tissue/organ Flashcards
Through what do action potential propagate cell to cell?
through gap junction
What does PVC stand for?
premature ventricular contraction
What does VT stand for?
ventricular tachycardia
What are you recording with ECG?
extracellular voltages
What stain to find intercalated disks?
connexin 43 protein
What is connexon vs connexin?
connexon: complete multimeric channel, 6 subunits from each cell
connexin: each subunit, or category of protein in general
What 2 diseases are gap junctions/connexons disrupted in?
- heart failure
- arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
What 2 things determine how fast APs propagate?
- # gap junctions between cells [altered in disease]
2. inward current responsible for AP upstroke
What ion current is main determinant of conduction velocity?
Na current = speed of upstroke
What 2 effects of decreased Na current on AP?
- slower upstroke [so slower individual AP]
2. longer delay between APs = slower propagation
Does excitement go endo –> epi cardium or vice versa?
propagates endo to epi
What is voltage difference measured in AP vs ECG?
AP: Vin - Vout
ECG: V2 - V1
V1 = endocardium, V2 = epicardium
How do you get voltage outside from voltage inside?
Voltage outside is negative of voltage inside
Whats an easy way to calculate V2 - V1 [pseudo-ECG]?
V2 - V1 = AP1 - AP2 = dV/dt
V1 = endocardium, V2 = epicardium
What is weird about one dimensional pseudo-ECG
T wave is negative but should be positive
What is cellular basis of upright T wave?
- cells are no identical across ventricular wall, stronger phase 1 in epicardium than endocardium
Difference between epicardial and endocardial ventricular cells? What is cause of these differences?
- more pronounced phase 1 in epicardial cells
- shorter APs in epicardial
different expression of K channels
What is cellular basis for positive T wave?
- endocardium activated before and re-polarized after epicardium
What do electrodes measure?
differences between voltages NOT absolute voltages
What kind of deflection do you get from a depolarization wave moving toward a positive electrode [V2]?
upward/positive deflection
What kind of deflection do you get from a repolarization wave moving toward a positive electrode [V2]?
negative/down deflection
What kind of deflection do you get from an orthogonal depolarization/repolarization wave?
None – no signal