Law midterm Flashcards
Clumping of cells caused by an antigen-antibody response
An alternative form of a gene
Without a defined shape; fibers composed of a loose arrangement of polymers that are soft, elastic, and absorbing (for example, cotton)
Analytical skills-
The ability to identify a concept or problem, to isolate its component parts, to organize information for decision-making, to establish criteria for evaluation, and to draw appropriate conclusions
A flowering plant that produces seeds within a fruit
Angle of impact-
Angle at which blood strikes a target surface relative to the horizontal plane of the target surface
Proteins secreted by white blood cells that attach to specific antigens
Substance that provokes an immune response in the body
Antigen-antibody response-
Reaction in which antibodies attach to specific antigens; causes agglutination in cross-blood-type transfusions
Area of convergence-
Two-dimensional view of the intersection of lines formed by drawing a line through the main axis of at least two drops of blood that indicates the general area of the source of the blood spatter
Area of origin-
The location of a blood source viewed in three dimensions as determined by projecting angles of impact of individual bloodstains
A fingerprint pattern in which the ridge pattern originates from one side of the print and continues to the other side
Group of plant species in an area dominated by one species that share the same habitat requirements
Cast-off pattern-
Blood projected onto a surface as a result of being flung from an object in motion
Chain of Custody-
The documented and unbroken transfer of evidence
Nuclear cell structure that contains DNA in humans
Circumstantial evidence-
(indirect evidence) evidence used to imply a fact but not support it directly
Class evidence-
material that connects an individual or thing to a certain group (see individual evidence)
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)-
The FBI’s computerized criminal DNA databases as well as the software used to run these databases; includes the National DNA Index System (NDIS)
Comparison microscope-
A compound microscope that allows the side-by-side comparison of samples, such as hair or fibers
A center of a loop
The region of a hair located outside the medulla that contains granules of pigment
Crime-scene investigation-
A multidisciplinary approach in which scientific and legal professionals work together to solve a crime
Crime-scene reconstruction-
A hypothesis of the sequences of events from before the crime was committed through its commission
Geometrically shaped; fibers composed of polymers packed side by side, which makes them stiff and strong (for example, flax)
The tough outer covering of a hair that is composed of overlapping scales
Datum point-
A permanent, fixed point of reference used in mapping a crime scene
Deductive reasoning-
Deriving a conclusion from the facts using a series of logical steps
A triangular ridge pattern
Direct evidence-
Evidence that (if authentic) supports an alleged fact of a case
Direct transfer-
The passing of evidence, such as a fiber, from victim to suspect or vice versa
DNA fingerprint (profile);
Pattern of DNA fragments obtained by analyzing a person’s unique sequences of noncoding DNA
A method of separating molecules, such as DNA, according to size
A person who has seen someone or something related to a crime and can communicate his or her observations
portion of gene that is expressed
A statement of information that can be verified
The smallest indivisible unit of a textile, it must be at least 100 times longer than wide
An impression left on any surface that consists of patterns made by the ridges on a finger
First responder-
The first safety official to arrive at a crime scene
Relating to the application of scientific knowledge to legal questions
Forensic botany-
The application of plant science to crime-scene analysis or the resolution of criminal cases