Chapter 8 VOCAB Flashcards
Clumping of cells caused by an antigen-antibody response
Angle of impact-
Angle at which blood strikes a traget surface relative to the horizontal plane of the target surface
Proteins secreted by white blood cells that attach to specific antigens
Substance that provokes an immune reponse in the body
Antigen-antibody response-
Reaction in which antibodies attach to specific antigens; causes aggulination in cross blood-type transfusions
Area of convergence-
Two-dimensional view of the intersection of lines formed by drawing a line through the main axis of at least two drops of blood that indicates the general area of the source of the blood spatter
Area of origin-
The location of a blood source viewed in three dimensions as determined by projecting angles of impact of indiividual bloodstains
Cast-off pattern-
Blood porjeted onto a surface as a result of being flund from an object in motion
Passive drop-
Blood drop created solely as a result of gravity
Smaller droplets of blood porjected from larger drops of blood upon impact with a surface
Elongated blood streaks radiating away from the center of a blodostain
Blood pattern resulting from a lateral trasnfer from a moving source onto another surface
Smeared blood pattern created when an object moves through blood that is not completely dried