Chapter 6 Part 2 Flashcards
Are police mainly reactive when responding to citizen calls reporting criminal activity?
Know what the community policing philosophy is
Community policing is made of four components; community-based crime prevention, changing the focus of patrol activities to non-emergency services, making the police more accountable to the public, and including residents in decision-making, and the view of citizens is changed to view them as customers and partners in the pursuit of social goals.
What is the percentage of women who are sworn police officers?
Are police officers today more educated than their predecessors?
Is one way of maintaining order enforcing traffic laws?
Are police reactive or proactive?
Mostly reactive
Does an occupational environment affect the way a person interprets reality?
Know what a subculture personality is
A subculture is the symbols, beliefs, and values shared by members of a subgroup of the larger society, where the members learn to cooperate and handle situations similarly
Know the two elements of police work that define the working personality
The threat of danger and the need to establish and maintain one’s authority
What do police officers spend the most time on?
Handling non-emergency services such as walking and issuing citations
Which statement is true regarding the measurement of positive police productivity?
Accurate measurement is hard to have as quantifying police work is hard and it is often supplemented by other data such as traffic citations.
Know the operational units of a police department
Patrol, investigation, traffic, vice, juvenile, drug, SROs
Know the Kansas City Experiment
An area in Kansas City, Missouri was split into three sections where in one there was no preventative patrol, where there was a higher level of preventative patrol, and the control area. Over a year they found that patrol strategies had no major effects on the amount of crime reported, the amount of crime as measured by citizen surveys, or citizens’ fear.
Know the types of policing; reactive, evidence-based policing, incident-driven policing, community policing
Reactive- Acting in response, such as police activity in response to notification that a crime has been committed.
Incident-driven policing- A reactive approach to policing emphasizing a quick response to calls for service
Evidence-based policing- using research studies to guide and create the best ways to deploy officers and plan patrols.
Community policing- community-based crime prevention, changing the focus of patrol activities to non-emergency services, making the police more accountable to the public, and including residents in decision-making
The primary focus of an investigator or detective is?
Respond to serious crimes, talk to people, and search the scene to figure out what happened, so a suspect can be apprehended.
Know what is meant by a clearance rate
The percentage rate of crimes known to the police that they have solved through an arrest; a statistic used to measure a police department’s productivity
When officers interact only with other officers because they are the only ones who understand, what is that called?
Police isolation
Know the types of stress; avoiding people from work life
External stress- produced by real threats and dangers such as the need to enter a dark and unfamiliar building, respond to alarms, or chase lawbreakers
Organizational stress produced by the nature of work in a paramilitary structure, constant adjustment to changing schedules, irregular work hours, and detailed rules and procedures
Personal stress- caused by an officer’s racial or gender status among peers, which can create problems in getting along with other officers and adjusting to group values that differ from one’s own, social isolation and perception of bias also contribute
Operational stress- reflects the total effect of dealing with thieves, derelicts, and those with mental illness; being lied to so often that all citizens become suspect; being required to face danger to protect a public that seems hostile; and always knowing that one may be held legally liable for one’s actions.
Proactive strategies to combat crime include
Preventative patrol, riding around making presence known, directed patrol, directing resources to high crime areas, aggressive patrol, maximizing the number of police interventions and observations in the community
Responding to a crime after the perpetrator has fled; minor, major, dangerous, rarely
Large police departments and special units based on offenses
Traffic, vice, juvenile, drugs, based on specific problems
Proactive vs reactive
Reactive- Acting in response such as police activity in response to notification that a crime has been committed. Proactive- Acting in anticipation, such as an active search for potential offenders that is initiated by the police without waiting for a crime to be reported. Arrests for victimless crimes are usually proactive
Incident-driven policing
A reactive approach to policing emphasizing a quick response to calls for service
Differential response system
A patrol strategy that assigns priorities to calls for service and then determines the appropriate response depending on the importance or urgency of the call
Know the SARA model
Scanning the social environment to identify problems, Analysis of the problem by collecting information, response to the problem by developing and employing remedies, assessment of the remedies to evaluate the extent to which the problem has been solved
Know what a line function involves
Police components that directly perform field operations and carry out the basic functions of patrol, investigation, traffic, vice, juvenile, and so on
Know the “broken windows” theory
Influential theory about increases in fear and crime within neighborhoods when there is insufficient police attention to seemingly minor public order offenses such as vandalism, loitering, aggressive panhandling, and prostitution
On average how many types of difficult situations are patrol officers expected to handle per week?
Responding to danger is a component of a police officer; culturalization, socialization, work responsibility, or working personality
Working personality
What is not a characteristic of the job of a law enforcement officer?
High pay, not stressful
Know the police subculture
The police subculture is the symbols, beliefs, and values shared by members of a subgroup of the larger society. The police subculture is made up of the working personality, the isolation of the police, and the stressful nature of police work.
What is not a key element of the police subculture
Made up of woking personality, police isolation, and the stressful nature of the job