Chapter 5 Part 1 Flashcards
Is it true that laws regulating disorderly conduct deal with clear cut situations?
Budget cuts, do they have a positive or negative impact on evidence based policing?
Is the police system in France more or less centralized than the US?
Know what bifurcation is
The division of something into two parts
Do the strategies used by modern police reduce crime?
No, they have little to no effect on crime
Are federal law enforcement agencies in the US part of the legislative branch?
No, they are part of the executive branch
Are abusive husbands who are arrested and briefly jailed more likely to commit domestic violence again?
If police had the resources do you think they could enforce every law and catch every law breaker?
Public support for police budgets is greatest when police departments stress the service function, true or false?
The political policing era relied heavily on patronage?
Know Native American tribes and how they function and what they are
They are separate sovereign nations with significant legal autonomy given to them through treaties with the United States, they enforce tribal criminal laws against those on their lands, including non-Native Americans. Many tribes are not recognized by the federal government, and traditionally Native American reservations have been policed by federal officers of the BIA or by their own tribal policies.
Know the watchman style of policing
Style of policing that emphasized order maintenance and tolerates minor violations of law as officers use discretion to handle small infractions informally but make arrests for major violations
Where do you find police rules and regulations?
Operations manuals
Know what the professional policing era is
There are six major recommendations based on what progressives wanted following the idea that the police should be removed from politics, police should be well trained, the law should be enforced equally, technology should be used, merit should be the basis of personnel procedures, and the crime-fighting role should be prominent.
Who were the progressives in the professional policing era, were they upper, middle class educated Americans?
Has US law enforcement increased or decreased our presence in foreign countries?
Who are the most likely victims of domestic violence?
African American women age 20-24, and women in the lowest income category
Regarding domestic violence cases, have police policies changed because of lawsuits?
Beginning in the 1970s have police departments treated domestic violence cases as serious criminal matters?
What is the crime stoppers program?
Is a program designed to enlist public help in solving crimes, and televisions and radio stations present unsolved crimes and offer cash rewards for information that leads to a conviction
True or false, Increasing the number of patrol officers does it have much of an effect on crime rates?
Do police officers have considerable discretion?
Know what type of agency the FBI is
Federal investigative agency
Know what is meant by order maintenance
The police function of preventing behavior that disturbs or threatens to disturb the public peace or that involves face-to-face conflict among two or more people. In such situations, the police exercise discretion in deciding whether a law has been broken.
Know what is meant by quality of life crimes
Quality of life crimes include arresting subway fare-beaters, loiterers and panhandlers, and aggressively dealing with those who obstruct sidewalks, harass others, and solicitors.
Know what is meant by same race policing
Policing one’s own race in the hope cooperativeness will be created based on mutual understanding
Who started the FBI, under what leadership?
J. Edgar Hoover as the director from its founding until his death in 1972
What era of policing would have been occurring in 1870?
The political era
Know what is meant by special populations
Special populations include runaways and neglected children, people who suffer from homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, and alcoholism, and these people while they may not actually commit a crime they pose a threat to the peace of other citizens.
Know the term bobbies
The officers under the Metropolitan Police Act
Know Sir Robert Peel
An English politician who pushed Parliament to pass the Metropolitan Police Act, that established the first organized, unified, police force in London
Know what is meant by chain of command
Organizational structure based on a military model with clear definition of ranks to indicate authority over subordinates and obligations to obey orders from superiors
The colonial era
defined by the US breaking away from Britain and establishing the belief that members of the community had a duty to help maintain order by requiring citizens to report when they saw a crime.
The political era
defined by close ties between the police and local politicians, leading to corruption as police rank could be bought, but police also relied on community assistance to prevent crime.
The professional model era
focused on ensuring there was less political influence as police were expected to stay out of politics, officers were well trained, disciplined, and tightly organized, laws are enforced equally, new technology should be used, personnel procedures should be based on merit, and the police are there to fight crime as their main task.
The community policing era
The community-policing era focused on the idea of broken windows, police moved away from crime-fighting to keeping order and providing services, police used foot patrols more often to integrate them into the community, and they were expected to target the little issues that could become bigger.
The homeland security era
focused on prioritizing training equipment ,strategies, and funding focusing on the security of the state focusing funds on community policing, federal emergency response training, hazardous mass destruction, and increased data collection.
Intelligence led policing
an approach in conjunction with concerns about homeland security that emphasizes gathering and analyzing information to be shared among agencies to develop cooperative efforts to identify, prevent, and solve problems.
What are slave patrols?
Distinctively American form of law enforcement in southern states that sought to catch and control slaves through patrol groups that stopped and questioned African Americans on the roads and elsewhere in public places, to catch runaway slaves and return them to her owners
What was the system of policing in 1285 in England?
England used the Statute of Winchester that set up a parish constable-watch system where citizens were required to pursue criminals.
Know methods of community crime prevention
Community crime prevention includes citizen crime watch groups, crime stoppers programs, and other forms of involving the public to help police control crime and disorder.
A strategy for addressing domestic violence, that is supported by some research suggests making no arrests or making arrests in all cases?
Making arrests in all cases
Which statement concerning police policy is true; officers are not limited in terms of how they investigate and pursue law breakers, police have unlimited resources, decisions about how some police resources will be used to affect how someone will be arrested?
Decisions about how some police resources will be used affect how someone will be arrested
Know the difference between a federal, county, local, municipal(township), and state law enforcement
Municipal law enforcement are the police departments of cities and towns that have general authority, federal law enforcement investigate specific crimes defined by Congress and full time officers are authorized to make arrests, state law enforcement carry out a wide range of tasks such as regulating highway traffic, and ⅔ of the states have given them general police powers, county agencies are responsible for rural area policing, and have taken on some criminal justice functions
Know the functions of police
Order maintenance, law enforcement, and service
A system in old English law in which members of a tithing, a group of ten families, pledged to be responsible for keeping order and bringing violators of the law to court.
Watch system-
Practice of assigning individuals to night observation duty to warn the public of fires and crime that was first introduced to the American colonies in Boston and that later evolved into a system of paid, uniformed police.
Top law enforcement official in county government. The sheriff was an exceptionally important police official during the country’s westward expansion and continues to bear primary responsibility for many local jails.
U.S. marshals-
Federal law enforcement officials appointed to handle duties in western territories and today bear responsibility for federal court security and apprehending fugitives.
The International Criminal Police Organization, through which countries cooperate in investigating crimes, especially situations in which lawbreakers have crossed international borders or participated in multicountry criminal activity.
Law enforcement-
The police function of controlling crime by intervening in situations in which the law has clearly been violated and the police need to identify and apprehend the guilty person.
The police function of providing assistance to the public; usually in matters unrelated to crime.
Patrol units-
The core operational units of local police departments that deploy uniformed officers to handle the full array of police functions for service, order maintenance and law enforcement.
Watchman style-
Style of policing that emphasizes order maintenance and tolerates minor violations of law as officers use discretion to handle small infractions informally but make arrests for major violations.
Legalistic style-
Style of policing that emphasizes strict enforcement of laws and reduces officers’ authority to handle matters informally.
Service style-
Style of policing in which officers cater to citizens’ desire for favorable treatment and sensitivity to individual situations by using discretion to handle minor matters in ways that seek to avoid embarrassment or punishment.
Domestic violence-
The term commonly used to refer to intimate partner violence or violent victimization between spouses, boyfriends and girlfriends, or those formerly in intimate relationships. Such actions account for a significant percentage of the violent victimizations experienced by women.