Law 8 (VFR) Flashcards
Define Visibility
The greatest distance at which a black object of suitable dimensions, situated near the ground, can be seen and recognised when observed against a bright background. OR The greatest distance at which lights in the vicinity of 1000 candelas can be seen and identified against an unlit black background.
Define ground visibility
Ground visibility is the visibility at an aerodrome, as reported by an accredited observer or by automatic systems.
Define flight visibility
Flight visibility is the visibility forward from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight.
Define night
The hours between the end of evening twilight and the beginning of morning civil twilight.
Define VMC
Visual meteorological conditions are meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud and cloud ceiling, equal to or better than specified minima.
Define IMC
Instrument meteorological conditions are meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud and cloud ceiling, less than the minima specified for VMC.
What 2 factors prevents you from flying VFR?
- The weather conditions are less than VMC minima.
- If you’re flying in class A airspace.
What 5 factors affect VMC?
- The type of airspace
- The type of aircraft
- The height the a/c is flying
- Speed of the a/c
- Whether it is day or night
What are the VMC minima for a/c 3000ft AMSL-FL100?
- 1000ft above/below the clouds.
- 1500m horizontally seperated from clouds.
- Visibility at least 5km.
What is the minimum VMC visibility for an a/c at or above FL100?
At least 8km.
What are the VMC minima for a/c at or below 3000ft AMSL in class B,C,D&E airspace?
- 1000ft above/below the clouds.
- 1500m horizontally seperated from clouds.
- Visibility at least 5km.
What are the VMC minima for a/c at or below 3000ft AMSL in class F&G airspace?
- Visibility at least 5km.
- Clear of clouds.
- With surface in sight.
What are the 5 requirements for VFR at night?
- If the a/c leave the vicinity of the aerodrome a flight plan must be filed.
- Cloud ceiling at least 1500ft AMSL.
- Visibility at least 5km (3km for helicopters)
- If below 3000ft surface must be in sight.
- Must be at least 1000ft above the highest point within 8km or 2000ft in mountainous terrain.
What FL do VFR use?
- From FL35-285
- Westbound, even, +500
- Eastbound, odd, +500
Whats the max speed and height of a VFR flight?
- Not above supersonic speed
- Not above FL195 unless authorised by competent authorities
What is the ceiling for VFR flight?
The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 20,000ft covering more than half the sky.
What are the minimum levels for VFR?
- Over congested areas of cities, towns, settlements or over an open-air assembly of people, at least 1000ft above the highest obstable located within 150m of the a/c.
- Anywhere else, at least 500ft above the highest obstacle within 150m.
What 2 are the exceptions for minimum levels in VFR flight?
- When taking off.
- When authorised by the competent authority.