What provides an overview of the Landing gear and Brakes?
Hydraulic Synoptic Page
What powers the landing gear and brakes?
Hydraulically actuated.
What powers the outboard brakes?
Hydraulic System 1.
What powers landing gear?
Hydraulic system 2
How do we operate the gear if Hydraulic system 2 fails?
With the assistance of the PTU.
What powers the inboard brakes?
Hydraulic system 2
What powers nosewheel steering?
Hydraulic system 2
What is the Emergency/Parking brake accumulator?
A dedicated accumulator that stores hydraulic pressure from system 1 and 2.
Gives us 6 application of Emergency/Parking brake.
Prior to pushback what must the Captain verify?
Steering OFF
Brakes released
Nose gear towing light is green
When will the STEER OFF message show on EICAS?
Hydraulic System 2 is depressurized.
Steering disconnect switch is pressed.
External Steering disengage is set to DISENGAGE
What are the Landing Gear Position Indications?
Green - Down and locked
White - Up and locked
Amber (cross-hatched) - In transit
Red- Disagreement with lever
What does it mean is the Autobrake status is blank?
The autobrake is disarmed.
If EMER ACCU pressure is amber, what can be done?
Turn on Hydraulic ACMP for system 1 or 2
What is the RTO setting on the autobrake knob?
Rejected Takeoff, it is MAXIMUM braking.
How does the Autobrake detect a rejected takeoff?
Wheel speed above 60kts and Thrust reversers in IDLE or REV.