Lab Quiz 2 Flashcards
What is the NMB staining procedure
3 drops of NMB
2 drops of blood
Mix well and have for 15 minutes
Incubate for 10 mins at 37C
Make 3 smears
Let it dry
What is not visible in a Wright stain
Heinz bodies
Hemoglobin H
Basophilic stippling
Supravital stains - reticulocyte
A reticulocyte stain measures
Aggregates of residual ribosomes and mitochondria that form clumped granular material called reticulum
% retics =
(Number of retics/1000)*100
For anemia, retic index (corrected) % =
(% retics* hematocrit of patient)/ normal hematocrit (45%)
For young reticulocytes, reticulocyte production index (RPI) =
Retic index/maturation time in days
Blister cell
Bite cell
Heinz bodies
How are Heinz bodies formed
By damage to the hemoglobin component molecules, usually through oxidative damage by administered drugs, or from an inherited mutation
What are denatured Hgb due to oxidative stress
Heinz bodies
Hemoglobin H disease
Note: tear drops and blister cells
Supravital stain - hemoglobin H
Lots of Heinz bodies
Hemoglobin H is made up of
4 beta sheets
Study differences
Pappenheimar bodies
(Abnormal granules of iron)
What stain is Perl’s reaction
Prussian blue stain
What does the Prussian blue stain (perl’s reaction) demonstrate
Iron stores in bone marrow or sideroblasts on peripheral blood smear
Positive iron stain in bone marrow
Negative iron stain in bone marrow
Howell-jolly bodies
(Nuclear remnants) fragments of DNA
Cabot rings
(Remnants from a mitotic spindle)
“Roll of pennies”
Makes cells less neg. Allowing them to touch
High protein gathering electrons
RBC agglutination
Name and survival rate
1-2 days
Band neutrophils
Toxic granulation
Dohle bodies
Blue-green inclusions
“Death crystals”
Name the disease and morphology
Iron deficiency anemia
Microcytic hypochromic
Name the disease
Megaloblastic anemia
Macrocytic anemia
Name the disease and characteristics
Hereditary spherocytosis
Spherocytes-variable, polychromasia
BM pushing more cells out
Name the disease and characteristics
Hereditary elliptocytosis
Elliptocytes, mild anemias
From left to right:
Segmented neutrophil
Name the disease and characteristics
Iron deficiency anemia
Microcytes, hypochromasia, often high platelets
Name the disease and characteristics
Severe iron deficiency
Microcytic, hypochromic, elliptocytes, tear drops, bizarre forms, often high platelet count
Name the disease and characteristics
Sideroblastic anemia
Can have pappenheimer bodies, one population hypochromic microcytic the other normal
Name the cell
Ringed sideroblasts (bone marrow)
Name the disease and characteristics/morphology
Megaloblastic anemia
Oval macrocytes, howell-jolly bodies, tear drop (dacryocytes), hyper-segmented neutrophil, Cabot ring
Does the white count, red count, and platelets increase or decrease in megaloblastic anemia
Name the disease and characteristics
Pernicious anemia
Oval monocytes, tear drops, hyper-segmented neutrophils
Name the disease and characteristics
Liver disease
Macrocytes, Target cells, acanthocytes
High/increased MCV
Name the disease and characteristics
Hereditary pyropoikliocytosis
Elliptocytes/ovalocytes, red cell fragments, severe microcytosis
Name the disease and characteristics
Thermal burns
Spherocytes, fragmented red cells, microvesicles, no Polychromasia, rapidly cleared
Immune hemolytic anemia
Name the disease and characteristics
Hereditary spherocytosis (post splenectomy)
Spherocytosis, polychromasia
Name the disease and characteristics
Microangiopathic anemia
Schistocytes, little to no platelets, sepsis, inappropriate clotting
Name the disease and characteristics
Marked eosinophilia
Drug allergies
Name the cell and characteristics
Water soluble granules can dissolve during staining
No pink granules (neutrophil)
Name the disease and its characteristics
Toxic neutrophils, toxic granulation, vacuolization
Name the disease and its characteristics
Irregular shaped nuclei, light areas
Tuberculosis, listeriosis, malignancy