Lab Practical: Muscles Flashcards
Action: Move scalp, elevate eyebrows
Location: Frontal bone
Action: Elevate mandible (mastication/chewing)
Origin: Zygomatic arch
Insertion: Angle of mandible
Action: Elevate mandible
Location: Temporal bone
Action: Cheek against teeth
Location: Cheek
Levator labii superioris
Action: Elevate lip
Location: Near the eye to the lip
Orbicularis oculi
Action: Close eye (circular shape)
Orbicularis oris
Action: Close mouth (circular shape)
Zygomaticus major
Action: Elevate angle of mouth
Location: Zygomatic bone to the side of the mouth. Below zygomaticus minor
Zygomaticus minor
Action: Elevate lip
Location: Zygomatic bone to the side of the mouth, above zygomaticus major
Action: Depress mandible
Location: Under the jaw
Origin: Mastoid process
Insertion: Mandible
Action: Flex neck
Location: Side of the neck
Origin: Sternum and clavicle
Insertion: Mastoid process
Latissimus dorsi
Action: Extend, adduct shoulder
Nickname and Workout: Lats, rows
Origin: Spinous process (T7-L5); Sacrum; Iliac crest
Insertion: Intertubercular groove
External intercostals
Action: Elevate ribs
Location: Between ribs
Internal intercostals
Action: Depress ribs
Location: Between ribs
Action: Inspiration
Location: Between the lungs and the abdominal cavity
Action: Abduct arm
Location: Shoulder
Nickname and Workout: Shoulders, military press
Origin: Clavicle, Scapula (spine)
Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity
Action: Abducts the mouth
Location: Side of the mouth
Depressor labii inferioris
Action: Depresses lip
Location: Below the mouth
Gluteus Maximus
Action: Extend hip, laterally rotate thigh
Origin: Ilium, sacrum, coccyx
Insertion: Gluteal tuberosity
Gluteus medius
Action: Abduct, medially rotate thigh
Location: Side of the leg, below the tensor faciae latae
Origin: Ilium
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Tensor fasciae latae
Action: Abduct thigh
Location: Side of the leg, above the gluteus medius
Action: Flex hip and knee, laterally rotate thigh
Location: From the hip to the inside of the thigh
Biceps brachii
Action: Flex elbow
Origins: Supraglenoid tubercle, coracoid process
Insertion: Radial tuberosity
Action: Flex elbow
Location: Below the biceps brachii
Insertion: Ulna
Triceps brachii
Action: Extend elbow
Origin: Scapula, posterior humerus,
Insertion: Olecranon process
Action: Flex elbow
Location: On top of the radius
Origin: Humerus
Insertion: Radius, styloid process
Pronator teres
Action: Pronate forearm
Location: Across the radius and ulna
Extensor digitorum
Action: Extend fingers
Location: Follow to the tendons…
Extensor digiti minimi
Action: Extend little finger
Location: Follow the tendon from the pinky to this tiny muscle
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Action: Extend wrist
Location: Along the radius, goes above the extensor carpi radialus brevis
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Action: Extend wrist
Location: Along the radius, goes below the Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Action: Extends wrist
Location: Right next to the extensor digiti minimi
Origin: Lateral epicondyle, humerus
Insertion: 5th metacarpal
Palmeris longus
Action: Flex wrist
Location: Follow the main superficial tendon from the wrist back to this muscle
Flexor carpi radialis
Action: Flex wrist
Location: On the radial side of the palmeris longus
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Action: Flex wrist
Location: Ulner side of the palmeris longus
Origin: Medial epicondyle
Insertion: Pisiform, hamate
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Action: Flex fingers
Location: Deep to the palmeris longus
Flexor digitorum profundus
Action: Flex fingers
Location: Deep to the flexor digitorum superficialis
Abductor pollicis longus
Action: Abducts thumb
Location: Side of the thumb, to abduct, the longer one, more toward the palm
Extensor pollicis brevis
Action: Extend thumb
Location: Side of the thumb, the shorter one, more to the back of the hand
Action: Adduct thigh
Location: Right next to the sartorius
Origin: Inferior pubic ramus
Insertion: Medial surface tibia
Action: Adduct thigh
Location: Superior/lateral to the adductor longs (looks tiny on the model)
Adductor longus
Action: Adduct thigh
Location: Superior/lateral to the gracilis (looks pretty big on the model)
Rectus femoris
Action: Extend knee
Location: Goes through the patella, right in the middle of the thigh (anterior angle)
Origin: Anterior inferior iliac spine
Insertion: Tibial tuberisity
Vastus lateralis
Action: Extend knee
Location: Lateral to the rectus femoris
Vastus medialis
Action: Extend knee
Location: Medial to the rectus femoris
Biceps femoris
Action: Flex knee
Location: Hamstrings, lateral to semitendinosus (One of two major muscles)
Origin: Ischial tuberosity, femur
Insertion: Head of fibula
Action: Flex knee
Location: Deep (?) to semitendinosus. Medial side of the leg
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Medial condyle, tibia
Action: Flex knee
Location: Hamstring area, medial to biceps femurs (One of two major muscles)
Action: Plantarflex foot
Location: The big calf muscle, looks like two muscles
Origin: Both condyles, femur
Insertion: Calcaneus
Action: Plantarflex foot
Location: Deep to the gastrocnemius and achilles tendon
Tibialis anterior
Action: Dorsiflex, invert foot
Location: Lateral to the tibia, big muscle on the front
Origin: Lateral tibia
Insertion: Medial cuneiform
Fibularis brevis
Action: Plantarflex, evert foot
Location: Tendon loops around the lateral malleolus. The shorter muscle. Side of the lower leg
Fibularis longus
Action: Plantarflex, evert foot
Location: Tendon loops around the lateral malleolus. The longer muscle. Side of the lower leg
Extensor digitorum longus
Action: Extend toes, dorsiflex foot
Location: Large muscle lateral to the tibialis anterior
(follow the tendons from the toes to the muscle)
Extensor hallucis longus
Action: Extend big toe, dorsiflex foot
Location: Muscle intermediate to tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus
(Follow the tendon from the big toe to the muscle)