Ch. 1 - Human Body Flashcards
Gross anatomy
Large structures
Microscopic Structures
Integumentary System
Function of Skin
- Protection (Barrier to bacteria; Cushioning)
- Thermoregulation (Sweating to loose heat, Hair to retain heat, Blood supply to capillaries)
- Sensation (Heat, cold, touch, pain, etc.)
- Excretion and absorption (Urea and ammonia)
- Vitamin D production
Skeletal System
Bones and joints
functions of bones
Movement: Joints and muscle attachments
Posture and framework against gravity
Protection of vital organs
Ca++ balance (homeostasis)
Properties of muscle tissue
- Contractibility: The tissue gets shorter
- Extensibility: The tissue can stretch
- Elasticity: The tissue returns to its original length
- Electrical excitability: Sends electrical signals
Nervous System
Brain, spinal cord, sensory receptors, nerves
Functions of the nervous system
Gather information from internal and external environments (sensory neurons)
Process the information in the central nervous system
Respond with the appropriate action (motor neurons)
Contraction of a muscle for movement
Regulation of heart rate or respiration
Endocrine System
Pineal, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands. Thymus, pancreas, ovaries, and testes
Inferior Caudal
Toward the feet
Superior Cranial
Toward the head
Toward the midline
Away from the midline
Same side
Other side
Down the limb
Up the limb
Between structures
Anterior Ventral
Postural Dorsal
Near the surface
Away from he surface
Siggital (Section/Plane)
Right from left (i.e. line between the eyes)
Transverse (Section/Plane)
Top from bottom (i.e. waistline)
Frontal (Section/Plane)
From from back
Oblique (Section/Plane)
At an angle
Cranial Cavity
Contains the brain
Dorsal Cavity
Cranial and vertebral cavities containing the brain and spinal cord
Vertebral Cavity
Contains the spinal cord
Ventral Cavity
Thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities
Thoracic Cavity
Lungs and heart area. Contains the mediastinum, the pleural cavity, and the pericardial cavity
Abdominal (abdominalpelvic?) Cavity
Many organs: intestines, liver, stomach etc.
Pleural Cavity
Contains the Lungs
Pericardial Cavity
Contains the Heart
Visceral Lining
Membrane lining the organs
i.e. Visceral pleura = membrane on the lung, or visceral peritoneum = membrane on organs in the abdominal cavity
Parietal Lining
Membrane lining the cavity
i.e. parietal pericardium = membrane lining the pericardium
Epigastric Region
Upper medial abdominal area
Umbilical Region
Medial abdominal area
Hypogastric (pubic) Region
Lower medial abdominal area
Right hypochondriac Region
Upper right abdominal area
Left hypochondriac Region
Upper left abdominal area
Right Lumbar Region
Middle left abdominal area
Left Lumbar Region
Middle right abdominal area
Right Iliac (inguinal) Region
Lower right abdominal area
Left Iliac (inguinal) Region
Lower left abdominal area
Light microscope
Can see cells and the structure of tissue
Electron Microscope
The cell and nuclear membrane become visible, as well as molecules
High energy light passes through soft tissue but is absorbed by dense tissue
Digital Subtraction Angiography
Take an X-ray of an area, inject a contrasting medium, taken another X-ray, and subtract what was present in the first X-ray
CT Scan
A series of X-ray sections put together into a 3D picture
Positron Emission Tomography
Using a radioactive isotope indicates cellular activity
Ultrasound Images
Picture generated from the echo of high-frequency sound
Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI)
Detects levels of hydrogen (in WATER)