Lab Final- Neuro Case Studies Flashcards

Thick dura mater
Description jelly like
Most likely pus- BACTERIA
menigal lesion

Preventailia orilas

Menigitis on HISTO
regardless of the org
rich in neutrophils

Soft spot on skull- funtanella has not closed-increased presesure on the brain;

Protozoa/parasitic- macrophages (no eosinophils)

Massive hydrocephalus
probably congenital

Swollen full of CSF ventricles

Cause: hydrocephalus
Meninges poke out of head and gives CSF

pathogenesis–> CNS parts are missing so muscles can move
- schallenberg
- Akabane


Right dorsal, cerebrum caudal 2-3 cm, oval well demaractaed asymetrical
cat brain

Stuck on dura mater
Menigoma tumor
can shell out or remove from brain
Most do not invade brain
Common in cats

Red, almost midline

Brain stem–> dark dot central canel with cerbellum on top

cerebelluar coning

Left side shiny, flat, enlarged cloudy (not transparent) something is going on the meniges

gelantious, green tinted (snot like)
- suppurative
- asymmetrical
pathogenesis- bites

Pituary tumors
Macro- brain damage
Micro- cushings so small not space occupying
in a horse- cushings- common in older horses- will retain winter coat

benign- grows by expansion

dorsal root ganglia
ganglioneuritis- Autjeksky’s disease

Abyssess in bone
crushed bone which compresses the chord
wallerian degeneration
Salmonella in calves

Wobbler’s problem instability between ligaments between 2 bones

Cauda Equina
cauda equina syndrome in horses
incontinenance -nerves become swollen
Lymphocytes and plasma cells
herpes virus