Lab final- Hematopoetic Flashcards

normal- since it’s a calf
Haemopotetically active bone marrow
The bone marrow has a uniform consistency and its red to dark red. These responses are characteristic of hemapoteically ACTIVE BONE MARROW

- icetrus- yellowish discoloration
- Spleenmegaly
The mareked yellow discoloration, most strikely visible in the SQ fat is from high concentration of serum bilirubin produced as a result of the hemolytic anemia
Dog- cause and associated lesion

Cause- canine parvovirus 2
associated lesion- lymphoid depletion; bone marrow depletion
cat- panleukopenia virus

Mdx: Metastatic melanoma
also can be shown in brain
Horse- MDx:

Muscle hemanigosarcoma
invading bone and bone marrow
Llama, adult: MDx

MDx: multi-focal granulomatous osteomyelitis
disease- TB
Goat MDx

MDx: lymphosarcoma
red marrow and white fat marrow is being displaced along the medullary cavity and by a more yellow color tumor tissue near epiphysis
Cow: MDx; Etiology

MDx: serous atrophy of bone marrow fat
Et: cachexia, starvation, chronic wasting disease
Dog- MDx

MDx: multiple myeloma
osteolytic lesions (punched out)
Clin path- monoclonal gammopathy, Bence Jones protinuria, hypercalcemia, cytopenia
Dog- MDx

MDx: lymphadenitis
lymphnode, dog

Increase in macrophages
Acute lymphadneitis (early), lymphnode, medulla, dog
Increase in numbr of histocytes and neutrophils
Horse: MDx; name of disease, etiology

MDx: acute suppurative lymphenitis
disease name- equine strangles
Etx: streptococcus equi, spp, equi
dorsal view of larynx, left and right retropharyneal LN
Sheep: MDx, Etx

chronic caseous lymphadentitis
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis lymphnode
in a dog- same Edx
Ox: MDx, name of disease

Mycobacterium bovis
Chronic caseous inflammation
Not a lot of pus

Johne’s disease (Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculous), lymphnode several non-caseating granulomas (pale areas) have replaced teh normal lymphoid tissue (blue)
Mescenteric LN
Cat: MDx

MDx: Lymphoma (lymphosarcoma)
Cranial mediastinal LN associated with FeLV

Jowl abscess, pig, mandibular LN
Strep. porcinus
Cow- MDx

Normal is the white the pink is the tumor
MDx: lymphoma (lymphosarcoma) vertebral canal, epidural space
Canine popliteal lymph node aspirate:
Name the disease

Granulomatous lymphadenitis
Likes to infect macrophages
Cat: MDx

chronic lymphadenitis
cryptococcus (Cryptococcus gratti)
Mandibular LN
Goat: Et

Corynebacterium pseudoth
Diffuse granulatamous lymphadentisi (caseous lymphadentis)
Ox MDx

Peyer’s patch necrosis,
diffuse, severe, acute, illeum
Disease: muscosal disase- BVD
Dog- MDx

siderotic plaques
Nodular hyperplasia (incised)


Meaty spleen
Histocytic sarcoma, lymphoma, plasma cell tumor, mast cell tumor, splentitis, amyloidosis

chronic (b/c white); splenic infaraction, spleen compare to acute

spleenic congestion
african swine fever

spleen, brain metastatic hemanigosarcoma

Marek’s disease
Multiple lymphoid tumors, liver and spleen also peripheral nerves, kidneys

Thymic lymphosarcoma

Mutifocal petechial to eccomotic haemorrage thymus

Healed tramatic rupture

mescenteric LN; lymphoma