Lab Final Flashcards

Red Bone Marrow
T - Trabeculae of cancellous bone
A - Adipocytes
S - Sinusoids
C - Cords/Islands of hemopoietic cells
E - Nuclei of endothelial cell

Red Bone Marrow

Skeletal Muscle
F - Fibroblast nucleus
A - A band
I - I band
N - Muscle nuclei

Skeletal Muscle

Cardial Muscle
N - Muscle nuclei
I - Intercalated disks
S - Striations

Cardiac Muscle

Smooth Muscle
IC - Inner circular layer
OL - Outer longitudinal layer
Arrows - Muscle nuclei

Smooth Muscle
XS - Cross section
LS - Longitudinal section
PP - Perimysium

Smooth Muscle

Muscle-tendon junction
T - Tendon
M - Muscle

Muscle-tendon Junction

Purkinje Fibers
En - Endothelium
SEn - Subendothelial layer
P - Purkinje Fibers
M - Cardiac muscle fibers

Purkinje Fibers
En - Endothelium
P - Purkinje Fibers
M - Cardiac muscle fibers

Purkinje Fibers

Dorsal Root Ganglion

Dorsal Root Ganglion

Dorsal Root Ganglion

Motor Neuron
N - Nucleus
A - Axon
AH - Axon hillock
D - Dendrites
NS - Nissl substance
G - Glial cells

Motor neuron

Motor neuron

Motor neuron

Peripheral Nerve
V - Vein
A - Artery
E - Epineurium
N - Nerve fibers
P - Perineurium

Peripheral Nerve

Optic Nerve

Optic Nerve

Optic Nerve

Pacinian Corpuscle

Pacinian Corpuscle

Motor Nerve Ending

Motor Nerve Ending

Blood Smear

Esophageal-stomach Junction
SSE - Stratified squamous epithelium
SCE - Simple columnar epithelium
ECG - Esophageal cardiac glands
LP - Lamina propria
MM - Muscularis mucosae

Esophageal-stomach Junction

Esophageal-stomach Junction

Recto-anal junction

Liver with portal triad
C - Central vein
H - Hepatocytes
L - Lymphatic
PV - Portal venule
HA - Hepatic arteriole
B - Bile ductule

Liver with portal triad
C - Central venule
D - Bile ductules
V - Branches of the portal vein
A - arteriole


I - Islets of Langerhans
A - Serous acini
D - Intralobular ducts
V - Blood vessels

A - Acini
F - Fibroblast


Testes (Semineferous tubules)
SG - Spermatogonia
PS - Primary spermatocytes
LS - Late spermatocytes
IC - Interstitial cells

Testes (Semineferous tubules)
M - Myoid cells
F - Fibroblasts
SG - Prominent spermatogonia
PS - Primary spermatocytes
ES - Easly spermatids
LS - Late spermatids
SC - Sertoli cells