Lab 5: Muscular System- Axial Muscles Flashcards
What are the types of muscles?
- Cardiac
- Smooth
- Skeletal
What are the 5 main functions of the muscular system?
- Movement
- Protection
- Heat generation
- Blood circulation
- Stability/Support
What is the origin of the Frontalis muscle?
- Corrugator supercilii muscle
- Orbicularis oculi fascia
- Procerus muscle
- Zygomatic process of the frontal bone
What is the action of the Frontalis muscle?
Raise eyebrows
What is the innervation of the Frontalis muscle?
Facial nerve (CN VII)
What is the action of the Occipitalis muscle?
Draws the scalp posteriorly
What is the innervation of the Occipitalis muscle?
Facial nerves (CN VII)
What is the action of the Orbicularis Oculi muscle?
Eye closure
What is the innervation of the Orbicularis Oculi muscle?
Facial nerve (CN VII)
What is the action of the Orbicularis Oris muscle?
- closes lips
- protrudes lips forward
- presses lips against teeth (important for phonation)
What is the innervation of the Orbicularis Oris muscle?
Facial nerve (CN VII), buccal branch
What is the action of the Zygomaticus Major muscle?
Pull corners of lips upward and laterally (creates a smile)
What is the innervation of the Zygomaticus Major muscle?
Facial nerve (CN VII), zygomatic branch
What is the action of the Depressor Labii Inferioris muscle?
- Pulls the lips downward
- Chewing
- Creates expression of doubt
What is the innervation of the Depressor Labii Inferioris muscle?
Facial nerve (CN VII), mandibular branch
What is the action of the Levator Labii Superioris muscle?
Elevate the lips
What is the innervation of the Levator Labii Superioris muscle?
Facial nerve (CN VII), buccal branch
What is the action of the Buccinator muscle?
Compress cheeks
What is the innervation of the Buccinator muscle?
Facial nerve (CN VII), buccal branch
What is the action of the Mentalis muscle?
- Elevate/protrude the lower lips
- Wrinkles the skin over the chin
What is the innervation of the Mentalis muscle?
Facial nerve (CN VII)
What is the action of the Platysma muscle?
- Draw the lower lip downward
- angle of the mouth downward
- expression of horror or surprise
What is the innervation of the Platysma muscle?
Facial nerve (CN VII)
What is the action of the Styloglossus muscle?
- Draws the tongue upward and posteriorly
- chewing and swallowing
- speech
What is the innervation of the Styloglossus muscle?
Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII)
What is the action of the Hyoglossus muscle?
Pulls tongue down during swallowing