lab 2 plant like protists Flashcards
Most Marine and Fresh Water protist are Plankton-
◦ Phytoplankton – photosynthetic or heterotrophic
◦ Zooplankton – heterotrophic or heterotrophic
◦ Phytoplankton – photosynthetic
◦ “algae” & mixotrophs
◦ Zooplankton – heterotrophic
◦ Protozoa & mixtrophs
◦ Unicellular –
◦ Filamentous –
◦ Colonial –
◦ Multicellular –
◦ Unicellular – have only one cell
◦ Filamentous – cells lined up end-to-end
◦ Colonial – collection of cells working together
◦ Multicellular – multiple independent cells
◦ Mostly the zooplankton, or animal- like protists will display movement through…
◦ Flagella
◦ Cilia
◦ Pseudopods
Supergroups for plant-like protists
SAR (Stramenopiles & Alveolates) - - - - - - the day i saw a brown dino fuck stupid liars
SAR (Stramenopiles & Alveolates) ◦ Phylum – Diatoms ◦ Phylum – Brown Algae ◦ Fucus ◦ Sargassum ◦ Laminaria ◦ Dinoflagellates (Alveolate)
Supergroups for plant-like protists
Archaeplastida: - - - - - -
Archaeplastida: ◦ Phylum – Chlorophyta (Green Algae) ◦ Chlamydomonas ◦ Volvox ◦ Phylum – Charophytes ◦ Spirogyra ◦ Desmids
Supergroups for plant-like protists
◦ Phylum – Euglenozoans
◦ Euglena
supergroup: Archaeplastida
***Pyrenoid = starch production & storage
***Stigma = light-sensing spot
◦2 flagella
supergroup: Archaeplastida
- Filamentous
- Mucilage = feels slippery
- Winter = 2n zygotes “hibernate”
-Belong to Charophyte group
supergroup: Archaeplastida
Colonial = association of independent cells
◦Up to 50,000 cells
◦Can’t live alone
◦Form hollow spheres of many cells arranged in a single layer on periphery
-Daughter colonies develop within parental colony (an enzyme dissolves part of parental wall so they can escape when mature!)
◦Oogamy – sperm swims tononmotile egg to form
a diploid zygote
◦Asexual – volvox cells divide, bulge inward, and produce new colonies called; daughter colonies
◦Belong to the Charophyte group of green algae
◦Consists of 2 halves that are a mirror-image of one
The protists most closely related to animals are the
Which is NOT one of the characteristics linking green algae and land plants?
a- Both store carbohydrates (glucose) in the form of starch.
b- Both use chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b as their photosynthetic pigments.
c- Both have cell walls composed of chitin.
d-All these are true.
Both have cell walls composed of chitin.
Your answer
Which phylum (common name) of organisms can cause “red tides” when they have a dramatic increase in their numbers?
Choose all of the following that have pseudopods.
Which filamentous organism (genus name) has coiled chloroplasts and can reproduce sexually via a conjugation tube?
Ciliates have 2 nuclei. One is called a ______and acts as the control center for the cell. The other is called a ______ and is used in sexual reproduction.
Ciliates have 2 nuclei. One is called a macronucleus and acts as the control center for the cell. The other is called a Micronucleus and is used in sexual reproduction.
Because foram fossils are quite abundant, they are commonly used as ______ fossils, used to tell the age of an area of sediment.
index fossils
which phylum (common name) of organisms are covered in plates of cellulose ad have 2 perpendicular flagella?
Which phylum (common name) of organisms has a outer covering made of silica and formed into 2 halves, like a box and a lid?
The cell walls of_____algae are composed of cellulose and algin, a gelatinous material that makes them feel slippery and slimy.
brown algae
The flexible protein-containing outer covering of some protists, that allows for movement, but also allows water into the cell, is called a
Instead, they are covered with a layer of flexible proteins, called a pellicle. ***
But water is able to pass through the pellicle via osmosis. So, these organisms use contractile vacuoles that fill with water as it enters the cell and then contract to expel the excess water from the cell.
The “plant-like” photosynthetic autotrophs are collectively referred to as ____, while the “animal-like” heterotrophic protists are referred to as ______.
plant like=algae
animal like=protozoa
Kingdom Protista is one of the four kingdoms in Domain _ _ _ _ .
What material makes up the outer covering of diatoms?
Which genus of brown algae has flat blades with forked tips?
Which genus of brown algae can be found floating in large mats off the east coast of the US?
what is a Holopelagic
a marine organism that spends its entire life floating, never touching the ocean floor
***Dinoflagellates -
- 2 flagella ((Transverse (in groove); longitudinal (free))
- covering made up of plates of cellulose
- Large part of phytoplankton
- Zooxanthellae” = symbiotic with coral
- causes red tides