La Personalidad y el Carácter Flashcards
la cualidad
el rasgo; la característica
feature; trait; characteristic
característico de
characteristic of
típico (de)
typical (of)
la virtud
la preferencia
el estado de ánimo
mood; frame of mind
relacionarse con alguien
to relate to sb
tratar con alguien
to have dealings with sb
llevarse bien con alguien
to get on well with someone
tener el don de …
to have the gift of …
tener sentido del humor
to have a sense of humour
conservar la calma
to keep calm; to keep one’s cool
reflexionar antes de actuar
to think before acting
tomarse la vida tal como viene
to take life as it comes
actuar por instinto
to act instinctively
estar bien dotado de sentido común
to be well endowed with common sense
ser abierto
to be open; to be of an open disposition
ser alegre
to be happy; to be jolly
ser amigable
to be friendly
ser atento
to be thoughtful; to be kind
ser autosuficiente
to be self-sufficient
ser bondadoso
to be kind-hearted; to be generous
ser cariñoso
to be affectionate; to be loving; to be tender
ser cauto
to be cautious; to be wary
ser convencional
to be conventional
ser chistoso
to be funny; to be witty
ser agudo; ser diestro
to be skilful; to be clever
ser exigente
to be demanding
ser autoexigente
to expect a lot of oneself
ser extrovertido
to be an extrovert
ser feliz
to be happy [by nature]
la felicidad
ser honrado
to be honest
la honradez
ser imaginativo
to be imaginative
ser listo
to be clever
estar listo
to be ready
ser luchador
to be a fighter
ser maduro
to be mature
la madurez
ser optimista
to be an optimist [by nature]
estar optimista
to be optimistic [about a current matter]
ser perceptivo
to be perceptive
ser perfeccionista
to be a perfectionist
ser persistente
to be persistent
ser risueño
to be cheerful; to be of a sunny disposition
ser sensible
to be sensitive
la sensibilidad
ser sensato
to be sensible
la sensatez
good sense
ser sincero
to be sincere
la sinceridad
ser tolerante
to be tolerant
la tolerancia
la obsesión
obsesionarse por …
to be obsessed with …
la fobia
no poder soportar
not to be able to stand; not to be able to put up with
el defecto
estar en un constante estado de …
to be in a constant state of …
tener tendencia a …
to have a tendency to …
to hate
el odio
hate; hatred
to scorn; to disdain
el desprecio
scorn; disdain
volverse irritable
to get irritable
sentirse algo inseguro
to feel a bit insecure
ver con malos ojos
to take a dim view of
no ver más allá de las narices
not to see further than one’s nose
tener mal genio
to be bad-tempered; to be of an evil disposition
estar lleno de contradicciones
to be full of contradictions
to show off
hacer autobombo
to blow one’s own trumpet
dárselas de inteligente
to fancy oneself as intelligent
dárselas de deportista
to fancy oneself as a sportsperson
ser apático
to be apathetic
ser asqueroso
to be revolting; to be disgusting
ser brusco
to be abrupt; to be sharp; to be rude
ser un canalla
to be a swine; to be a rotter
ser conflictivo
to be argumentative; to be quarrelsome
ser camorrista
to be a gossip
ser chismoso
to be a gossip
los chismes
gossip; tittle-tattle
no ser honrado
to be dishonest
la falta de honradez
ser egoísta
to be selfish
ser emotivo
to be emotive; to be emotional
dejarse arrastrar por las emociones
to let oneself be ruled by one’s emotions
ser encogido; ser tímido; ser vergonzoso
to be timid; to be shy
ser envidioso
to be envious
ser engreído
to be conceited
ser estrecho de miras
to be narrow-minded
ser gruñón
to be grumpy [by nature]
ser imbécil
to be an idiot
ser indeciso
to be indecisive [by disposition]
estar indeciso
to be undecided [at this moment]
ser introvertido
to be an introvert
ser malévolo
to be malicious; to be spiteful
ser mezquino
to be mean; to be stingy
ser miedoso
to be timid; to be fearful
ser pesimista
to be a pessimist [by nature]
estar pesimista
to be pessimistic [about a current matter]
ser posesivo
to be possessive
ser rebelde
to be unruly; to be rebellious
ser superficial
to be superficial
ser supersticioso
to be superstitious
ser terco
to be stubborn; to be obstinate
ser testarudo
to be stubborn; to be pig-headed
ser torpe
to be clumsy; to be awkward; to be dull; to be dim
ser vago
to be slack; to be lazy
ser vengativo
to be spiteful; to be vindictive
la cualidad
feature; trait; characteristic
el rasgo; la característica
characteristic of
característico de
typical (of)
típico (de)
la virtud
la preferencia
mood; frame of mind
el estado de ánimo
to relate to sb
relacionarse con alguien
to have dealings with sb
tratar con alguien
to get on well with someone
llevarse bien con alguien
to have the gift of …
tener el don de …
to have a sense of humour
tener sentido del humor
to keep calm; to keep one’s cool
conservar la calma
to think before acting
reflexionar antes de actuar
to take life as it comes
tomarse la vida tal como viene
to act instinctively
actuar por instinto
to be well endowed with common sense
estar bien dotado de sentido común
to be open; to be of an open disposition
ser abierto
to be happy; to be jolly
ser alegre
to be friendly
ser amigable
to be thoughtful; to be kind
ser atento
to be self-sufficient
ser autosuficiente
to be kind-hearted; to be generous
ser bondadoso
to be affectionate; to be loving; to be tender
ser cariñoso
to be cautious; to be wary
ser cauto
to be conventional
ser convencional
to be funny; to be witty
ser chistoso
to be skilful; to be clever
ser agudo; ser diestro
to be demanding
ser exigente
to expect a lot of oneself
ser autoexigente
to be an extrovert
ser extrovertido
to be happy [by nature]
ser feliz
la felicidad
to be honest
ser honrado
la honradez
to be imaginative
ser imaginativo
to be clever
ser listo
to be ready
estar listo
to be a fighter
ser luchador
to be mature
ser maduro
la madurez
to be an optimist [by nature]
ser optimista
to be optimistic [about a current matter]
estar optimista
to be perceptive
ser perceptivo
to be a perfectionist
ser perfeccionista
to be persistent
ser persistente
to be cheerful; to be of a sunny disposition
ser risueño
to be sensitive
ser sensible
la sensibilidad
to be sensible
ser sensato
good sense
la sensatez
to be sincere
ser sincero
la sinceridad
to be tolerant
ser tolerante
la tolerancia
la obsesión
to be obsessed with …
obsesionarse por …
la fobia
not to be able to stand; not to be able to put up with
no poder soportar
el defecto
to be in a constant state of …
estar en un constante estado de …
to have a tendency to …
tener tendencia a …
to hate
hate; hatred
el odio
to scorn; to disdain
scorn; disdain
el desprecio
to get irritable
volverse irritable
to feel a bit insecure
sentirse algo inseguro
to take a dim view of
ver con malos ojos
not to see further than one’s nose
no ver más allá de las narices
to be bad-tempered; to be of an evil disposition
tener mal genio
to be full of contradictions
estar lleno de contradicciones
to show off
to blow one’s own trumpet
hacer autobombo
to fancy oneself as intelligent
dárselas de inteligente
to fancy oneself as a sportsperson
dárselas de deportista
to be apathetic
ser apático
to be revolting; to be disgusting
ser asqueroso
to be abrupt; to be sharp; to be rude
ser brusco
to be a swine; to be a rotter
ser un canalla
to be argumentative; to be quarrelsome
ser conflictivo
to be a gossip
ser camorrista
to be a gossip
ser chismoso
gossip; tittle-tattle
los chismes
to be dishonest
no ser honrado
la falta de honradez
to be selfish
ser egoísta
to be emotive; to be emotional
ser emotivo
to let oneself be ruled by one’s emotions
dejarse arrastrar por las emociones
to be timid; to be shy
ser encogido; ser tímido; ser vergonzoso
to be envious
ser envidioso
to be conceited
ser engreído
to be narrow-minded
ser estrecho de miras
to be grumpy [by nature]
ser gruñón
to be an idiot
ser imbécil
to be indecisive [by disposition]
ser indeciso
to be undecided [at this moment]
estar indeciso
to be an introvert
ser introvertido
to be malicious; to be spiteful
ser malévolo
to be mean; to be stingy
ser mezquino
to be timid; to be fearful
ser miedoso
to be a pessimist [by nature]
ser pesimista
to be pessimistic [about a current matter]
estar pesimista
to be possessive
ser posesivo
to be unruly; to be rebellious
ser rebelde
to be superficial
ser superficial
to be superstitious
ser supersticioso
to be stubborn; to be obstinate
ser terco
to be stubborn; to be pig-headed
ser testarudo
to be clumsy; to be awkward; to be dull; to be dim
ser torpe
to be slack; to be lazy
ser vago
to be spiteful; to be vindictive
ser vengativo