L8: Pituitary Disorders Flashcards
Anatomy of hypothalamus
Anatomy of pituitary gland
Lobes of pituitary gland
Types of cells in anterior Lobe
a. Chromophobe cells “NON functioning”
b. Chromophil cells “functioning i.e. secreting”
Types of Chromophil cells in Pituitary Gland
Posterior Lobe of Pituitary Gland
- Act as storage for Oxytocin & Anti- Diuretic Hormone (ADH), which are synthesized in the hypothalamus in the Para-ventricular & Supra-optic nuclei
Control of Pituitary Gland
What are Releasing factors for Pituitary Gland?
What are Release-inhibiting Factors for Pituitary Gland?
Negative Pituitary Feedback (long & Short)
What are disorders of Pituitary gland?
Def of Hyperprolactenemia
S. prolactin > 25 ng /dl.
Causes of Hyperprolactenemia
Physiologic Causes of Hyperprolactenemia
Pathological Causes of Hyperprolactenemia
Pharmacologic Causes of Hyperprolactenemia
idiopathic Causes of Hyperprolactenemia
CP of Hyperprolactenemia
Mass effects of Pituitary Hyperprolactenemia
Work up of Patient with Hyperprolactinemia
Investigations for Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
TTT of Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
Medical TTT of Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
Duration of Medical TTT of Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
Bromocriptine in Medical TTT of Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
cabergoline in Medical TTT of Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
Surgical TTT of Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
Indications of Surgical TTT of Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
Complications of Surgical TTT of Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
Hypopituitarism, CSF rhinorrhea, Meningitis, Optic nerve damage.
Radiotherapy in Pituitary Hyperprolactinemia
Function of GH
What stimulates GH?
What Inhibits GH?
Def of Acromegaly
It is the clinical syndrome that results from persistent hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH) & hence IGF-1 in adults
Causes of Acromegaly
CP of Acromegaly
Refer to Summary
Changes in appearence
- CP of Acromegaly
Acromegalic Facies
- CP of Acromegaly
Hands & feet
- CP of Acromegaly
Bones & Joints
- CP of Acromegaly
Kyphosis & Osteoarthrosis
- CP of Acromegaly
Metabolism & Electrolytes
- CP of Acromegaly
Neurological Manifestations
- CP of Acromegaly
Endocrinal Manifestations
- CP of Acromegaly
Major causes of death in untreated acromegaly
Indicators of disease activity in acromegaly
Investigations for Acromegaly
Lab Investigations for Acromegaly
OGTT for Acromegaly
Rad Investigations for Acromegaly
X-Ray in Acromegaly
CT & MRI in Acromegaly
Abdominal & Chest Imaging in Acromegaly
Hand & Spine X-Ray in Acromegaly
Other Investigations for Acromegaly
Visual field examination
Colonoscopy & Investigations of DM & HTN
TTT of Acromegaly
Surgical TTT in Acromegaly
Trans-sphenoidal (most common) or Tans- frontal
Pituitary Irradiation in Acromegaly
If surgery is refused or contraindicated BUT with tumors with NO supra-sellar extension
Medical TTT of Acromegaly
Approach for Dx of Acromegaly
Def of Gigantism
Growth hormone ( GH and IGF-1 ) excess that occurs before fusion of the epiphyseal growth plates —> rapid, excessive linear growth & extremely tall
Causes of Gigantism
- Pituitary GH-secreting Hyperplasia (Commonest) OR adenoma
- Hypothalamic GH-releasing hormone excess
- Ectopic GH or GHRH secretion [rare].
CP of Gigantism
DDx of Rapid Linear Growth
Investigations & TTT of Gigantism
Hormones of posterior pituitary
- Oxytocin
what is another name of ADH?
Function of ADH
- Stimulate water reabsorption by renal tubules water retention
- Vasoconstriction
Functions of Oxytoxin
Hypothalamic posterior pituitary control
Control of ADH
Def of Diabetes Insipidus
Classification of Diabetes Insipidus
Causes of Pituitary “Cranial – Central” diabetes insipidus
Causes of Nephrogenic “Peripheral” DI
CP of Diabetes Insipidus
DDx of Diabetes Insipidus
Other Causes of Polyuria
Dx of Diabetes Insipidus
Lab & Rad
Lab Dx of Diabetes Insipidus
Urine Osmolarity
Dx of Diabetes Insipidus
Plasma Osmolarity
Lab Dx of DI
Significance of Fluid Deprivation Test
Test differentiates patients with DI from patients with primary polydipsia.
Physiologic Principle of Fluid Deprivation Test
Dose in Desmopressin challenge [DDAVP]
The patient is then given 4 µg IV or SC desmopressin or 10 µg nasal with urine volume and urine & serum osmolality measured over the next 4h (/30 min).
Significance of Desmopressin challenge [DDAVP]
Test differentiates central DI from nephrogenic DI.
Physiologic Principle of Desmopressin challenge [DDAVP]
Physiologic principle: DDAVP causes urine concentration.
- Patients with central DI will concentrate urine after receiving DDAVP; patients with nephrogenic DI will not.
Rad Dx of DI
CT, MRI of Sella tursica to exclude pituitary tumor.
TTT of Central DI
Drug of Choice in Central DI
SE of Pitressin tannate in oil
pallor, angina, bronchospasm, uterine contraction.
TTT of Nephrogenic DI
Drugs used in Nephrogenic DI
Def of SIADH
When should SIADH be suspected?
- SIADH should be suspected in any patient with euvolemeic hyponatremia, hyposmolality & urine osmolality > 100 mosmol/kg
Pathophysiology of SIADH
Etiology of SIADH
what are CNS Problems that cause SIADH?
Stroke, Hge, infection, trauma & psychosis —-> enhance ADH release.
Pulmonary Causes of SIADH
pneumonia (legionella), T.B.
Tumors causing SIADH
- Ectopic production of ADH by small cell carcinoma of the lung (most common).
- Less common H & N cancer, olfactory neuroblastoma, lymphoma, leukemia.
Drugs Causing SIADH
( Increase ADH release or effect)
- Chlorpropamide, Carbamazepine, high-dose IV Cyclophosphamide & SSRIs.
Surgery & SIADH
Hyponatremia is a common late complication of trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery.
Diagnostic Criteria of SIADH
Investigations for SIADH
Vasopressin antagonist in TTT of SIADH
- Competitive vasopressin receptor 2 antagonist
- Used for resistant hyponatremia
Hypertonic saline in TTT of SIADH
In emergency (slowly I.V. infusion)
- Rapid normalization (> 0.5mmol/h) of Na+ may be ass. With Central Pontine Mylenosis & other CNS damage.
Def of Polyuria
Urine volume > 2000 cc/day
Causes of Polyuria
- Physiological (functional)
- Psychological (hysterical)
- Pathological
Physiological Causes of Polyuria
- High water intake : ↓ ADH secretion
- Winter time : ↓ sweating
- Alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea, beer
Psychological Causes of Polyuria
Compulsive water drinking
- Low plasma osmolality < 290 mosmol/kg
- Water deprivation: ↓ urine volume & ↑ urine osmolality
- No improvement after ADH
- Treatment is by sedative & hypnotic
Pathological Causes of Polyuria
- Renal
- Endocrinal
- Drugs
- Miscellaneous
Renal causes of Polyuria
Endocrinal Causes of Polyuria
Drugs Causing Polyuria
Drugs causing nephrogenic DI : lithium, Demeclocycline
Miscellenoues Causes of Transient Polyuria
Migraine, Epilepsy, Paroxysmal tachycardia, Bronchial asthma
Def of Pituitary Dwarfism
1ry deficiency of GH in childhood.
Causes of Pituitary Dwarfism
Deficiency of GH-RH from hypothalamus
Deficiency of GH from pituitary
End organ unresponsiveness (Levi-Laron syndrome)
CP of Pituitary Dwarfism
Proportionate dwarfism.
Protein induced hypoglycemia
Investigations for Pituitary Dwarfism
1) Fasting level of GH: low (+ low IGF-1)
2) Growth hormone stimulation test: negative
3) Insulin induced hypoglycemia: normally ↓ blood sugar to 50 mg →↑ GH level.
TTT of Pituitary Dwarfism
Recombinant GH.
Causes of Froehlich’s Syndrome
Hypothalamo-pituitary tumor (as craniopharyngioma).
CP of Froehlich’s Syndrome
Characters of Samboxa shape obesity
fat is deposited in the face, shoulder, trunk,
hips but sparing the extremities
Def of Laurence-Moon-Biedel Syndrome
Rare congenital AR disease
CP of Laurence-Moon-Biedel Syndrome
- Features of Froehlich’s syndrome
- Polydactyly
- Skull deformations, mental retardation
- Retinitis pigmentosa
TTT of Laurence-Moon-Biedel Syndrome
Recombinant GH.
DDx of hypopituitarism in children
- Dwarfism.
- Infantilism = Short stature & hypogonadism
Def of Short Stature
- Child whose height is 2 standard deviations (SD) or more below the mean for children of that sex and chronologic age (and ideally of the same racial-ethnic
group). - This corresponds to a height that is below the 3rd percentile of normal people for their own sex & age.
Causes of Short Stature
- Endocrinal causes
- Chronic severe-illness during childhood
- Skeletal causes
- Genetic disordes
endocrinal causes of Short Stature
Chronic Severe Illness & Short Stature
Skeletal causes of Short Stature
- Congenital
- Acquired
Congenital Skletal Causes of Short Stature
- Achondroplasia
- Osteochondrodystrophy
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
disproportionate dwarfism
- Height > Span & Upper segment > Lower segment
- Big skull & depressed nose
limbs & trunk are short and deformed
Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Fragile bone leading to pathological fracture + malfusion + dwarfism + joint dislocation.
- Blue sclera.
- Deafness due to otosclerosis.
Acquired Skeletal Causes of Short Stature
- Rickets
- Pott’s disease of spine
- Paget’s disease of bone
Genetic Disordres & Short Stature
Algorithm of Short Stature
what is the most common cause of disproportionate Short Stature?
Algorithm to short stature
Familial Vs Constitutional short stature
Approach to short stature
How to do Comparison with Child’s Own Genetic Potential?
Bone Age
- Bone age assessment should be done in all children with short stature.
- Bone age is delayed compared to CA in almost all causes of pathological short stature.
Investigations for short stature
Managment of short stature
Types of hypopituitrism in adults
- Isolated & Pan
Causes of Isolated Hypopituitrism
↓ TSH: 2ry hypothyroidism
↓ ACTH: 2ry hypocorticism
↓ Gonadotrophins: (2ry hypogonadism)
Def of Kallman’s Syndrome
Kallmann syndrome (anosmia - midline fascial deformities - renal abnormalities & color blindness)
Causes of Panhypopituitrism (Simmon’s Disease)
CP of Panhypopituitrism (Simmon’s Disease)
Manifestations of hormones deficiency in pamhypopituitrism
Difference between 1ry & 2ry Decreases in ACTH
First presentatation in Panhypopiyuitrism
2ry hypogonadism
GH in Panhypopiyuitrism
late & minimal
- Atrophy of viscera & skin wrinkling & weakness & wasting.
- Hypoglycemia, premature CVS disease, reduce muscular mass.
What Causes Coma in Panhypopiyuitrism?
due to :
Pressure by tumor on brain stem reticular formation
DDx of Panhypopiyuitrism
Investigations for Panhypopiyuitrism
TTT of Panhypopiyuitrism
A. TTT of cause if possible.
B. Replacement therapy
Replacment of Panhypopiyuitrism
Gonadal hormones replacment in Panhypopiyuitrism
Thyroxin replacment in Panhypopiyuitrism
Drugs for pituitary Crisis
Volume expansion
Hypertonic saline
Classification of pituitary tumors
Benign pituitary tumors
Malignant pituitary tumors
Primary (germ cell tumors and lymphoma) or secondary to breast cancer and lung cancer.
CP of pituitary tumors
Dx of pituitary tumors
Lab Dx of Malignant pituitary tumors
Rad Dx of Malignant pituitary tumors
MRI brain (better than CT scan in evaluating pituitary tumors): lesions < 1 cm in diameter (microadenoma) while lesions > 1 cm (macroadenoma).
DDx in Malignant pituitary tumors
from other causes of sellar masses:
- Pituitary hyperplasia: Lactotroph hyperplasia during pregnancy.
- Cysts: Rathke’s cleft.
- Hypophysitis: lymphocytic hypophysitis.
- Infiltration: sarcoidosis, and Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
Managment of Malignant pituitary tumors
according to type, size of the tumor & pituitary hormonal status.
- Surgery: trans-sphenoidal or sub frontal approach.
- Radiotherapy: conventional or gamma knife technique.
- Medical: somatostatin analogues and/or dopamine agonists.