L13: Gynecomastia, Hirsutism & PCOs Flashcards
Def of Gynecomastia
Signs & Symptoms of Gynecomastia
DDx of Gynecomastia
Incidence of Gynecomastia
Causes of Gynecomastia
Drugs Causing Gynecomastia
Managment of Gynecomastia
Indications of 1st step in Gynecomastia
1st step in TTT of Gynecomastia
If gynecomastia does not resolve within three months with these measures and the patient has pain and tenderness, ………. is the next step.
Pharmacologic therapy of Gynecomastia
Indications of surgical TTT of Gynecomastia
Def of Hirsutism
Def of Hypertrichosis
Vellus hairs are ……… that cover most of the body …….. puberty
………. promote the conversion of these vellus hairs to coarser, pigmented terminal hairs
Some terminal hair growth is androgen-independent like ……..
…….. is the androgen that acts on the hair follicle to produce terminal hair.
This hormone is derived from both the bloodstream and local conversion of a precursor, testosterone
The local production of dihydrotestosterone is determined by ……… activity in the skin
Differences in the activity of this enzyme may explain why women with the same plasma levels of testosterone can have different degrees of hirsutism.
The level and duration of exposure to androgens, the local 5- alpha-reductase activity, and the intrinsic sensitivity of the hair follicle to androgen action determine the extent of conversion from vellus to terminal hair.
Causes of Hirsutism
Endocrinal Causes of Hirsutism
Medication Causes of Hirsutism
Idiopathc Causes of Hirsutism
Familial Causes of Hirsutism
Clinical Evaluation of Hirsutism
General Ex in Evaluation of Hirsutism
Hx in Evaluation of Hirsutism
Breast & Pelvic Ex in Evaluation of Hirsutism
Scoring systems in Hirsutism
Lab Tests of Hirsutism
what is the most important assay in Hirsutism?
(Dx of Hirsutism)
(Dx of Hirsutism)
Imaging Studies
(Dx of Hirsutism)
Other lab tests
(Dx of Hirsutism)
TTT of Hirsutism
General TTT of Hirsutism
Specific TTT of Hirsutism
Local TTT of Hirsutism
Charaters of PCOs
Incidence of PCOs
What does a female patient with PCOs present with?
Consequenses of PCOs
Endocrinal consequences of PCOs
Dyslipidemia in PCOs
metabolic Consequences of PCOs
Def of 1ry Amenorrhea
Def of 2ry Amenorrhea
Causes of 1ry Amenorrhea
Causes of 2ry Amenorrhea
What is the classification amenorrhea according to FSH values?