L5: DM & Others Systems Flashcards
Mechanism by Which DM Causes Complications
DM Effect on Other Systems
what are the factors by which DM Causes Complications?
Effect of Accumulation of advanced glycosylation end products
Vascular permeability, procoagulant activity, adhesion molecule expression
Effect of Hyperglycemia
- ↓ NO production.
- ↑ Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
- Activation of protein kinase C increases the production of pro inflammatory
Effect of Dyslipidemia
- Increase insulin resistance which have major role in atherosclerosis
- Free fatty acids attenuate prostacyclin bioavailability by inhibiting prostacyclin synthase.
Effect of Production of vasoconstrictor mediators
- angiotensin II and endothelin-1 —-> which causes vascular smooth muscle growth
Effect of Impairing fibrinolytic capacity
in atherosclerotic lesions, ↑coagulation
GIT Complications of DM
- Mouth
- Esophagus
- Gastroparesis
- Diabetic Enteropathy
- Others
Mouth Complications in DM
Esophegeal Complications of DM
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Pathogenesis of DM-Induced GERD
- Caused by autonomic neuropathy
- Delayed gastric emptying.
Manifestations of DM-Induced GERD
- Dysphagia, Odynophagia, and Chest Pain.
- About one-third of diabetic patients.
TTT of DM-Induced GERD
Strict diabetic control.
Six small meals.
A low fat diet (<40 g per day)
Prokinetic agents (metoclopramide, Domperidone).
Stomach Complications of DM
Gastroparesis is defined as delayed gastric emptying
Pathogenesis of DM-Induced Gastroparesis
Caused by autonomic neuropathy
Manifesttaions of DM-Induced Gastroparesis
Nausea, vomiting, bloating
Postprandial fullness, anorexia
Early satiety, heartburn
Poor diabetic control
Recurrent post prandial hypoglycemia
Dx of DM-Induced Gastroparesis
- The presence of residual food in the stomach after an overnight fast during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy supports the diagnosis.
- The traditional “gold standard” to establish the diagnosis of gastroparesis is scintigraphic measurement of gastric emptying.
TTT of DM-Induced Gastroparesis
Intestinal Compliactaions of DM
Diabetic Enteropathy
Pathophysiology of Diabetic Enteropathy
unclear but multiple factors are probably involved
- autonomic neuropathy, infections, Bacterial overgrowth, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Manifestations of Diabetic Enteropathy
- Diarrhea: watery & painless, at night, may be associated with fecal incontinence.
- Bouts of diarrhea can be episodic with intermittent normal bowel habits or even alternating with periods of constipation in addition steatorrhea can occur due to bacterial overgrowth
Management of Diabetic Enteropathy
Liver Complications of DM
Nonalcoholic steatosis
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Glycogen hepatopathy: poor controlled type 1 DM.
Gall Bladder Complications of DM
Acute and chronic cholecystitis (including emphysematous cholecystitis )
Gall stones
Pancreas Complications of DM
Pancreatic exocrine dysfunctions.
Skin Complivations of DM
Skin Infections in DM
- Fungal: Candidal intertrigo and paronychia, dermatophytes causing powdery white lesions especially between toes.
- Bacterial → furuncle, carbuncle, abscess & cellulitis.
Pruritis in DM
Especially pruritus vulva due to infections & glucosuria
Delayed Wound Healing in DM
Infection, ischemia, and impaired immunity.
Skin Ulcers in DM
Vascular and neuropathic ulcers
Carotenemia in DM
Yellow skin and nails D.2 ↓ Conversion of carotene to Vit A in liver.
Acanthosis Nigricans in DM
Velvety hyperpigmented plaques in neck, back and body folds
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum in DM
Painful violaceous plaque with central yellowish area surrounded by brownish border
Usually on Chin of the leg.
Central ulceration may occur.
Diabetic Dermopathy in DM
Painless reddish papules
Usually on the Chin of the tibia heal leaving atrophic scarred hyperpigmented macules.
Bullosis diabeticorum in DM
Non-inflamed painless bullae with sterile fluid
On the chin of tibia
Heal within 2-3 weeks without residual scarring.
Granuloma annularein DM
Ring shaped papules with depressed centers usually on dorsum of the hand and arm.
Diabetic thick skin
Fingers and hands: inability to do non-Islamic praying.
Scleroderma diabeticorum: marked thickening of the skin in posterior aspect of the neck and upper back.
Hyperlipidemia in DM (Skin Changes)
Eruptive xanthoma: yellow papules or nodules usually on extensor surfaces.
Xanthelasma: yellow plaques that usually appear on the medial aspects of the eyelids.
Skin & Antidiabetic Medications
Insulin: Lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy.
Sulphonylureas: Drug eruptions.
Hand Complications in DM
Carpal tunnel syndrome
D.D of carpal tunnel syndrome: Acromegaly - DM - Hypothyroidism - Rh. Arthritis - Pregnancy -
contraceptive pills - Dupuytren’s contracture
- Flexor tenosynovitis
- Diabetic sclerodactyly
- Limited joint mobility
- Trigger finger
MSK Complications in DM
- Hand
- Shoulder
- LL
- Spine
Shoulder Complications in DM
Adhesive capsulitis
Frozen shoulder
Calcific periarthritis
Limited joint mobility
Lower Limb Complications in DM
Neuropathic arthropathy
⇒ Diabetic Charcot joint: foot and ankle.
Diabetic Amyotrophy
Diabetic muscle infarction
Spine Complications in DM
Genital Complications of DM in men
- Impotence “neurogenic, vasogenic, and psychogenic”.
- Loss of testicular sensation.
Genital Complications of DM in Women
Neurological Complications in DM
- Cerebral
- Spinal Cord
- Peripheral Nerves
Cerebral Complication in DM
Comas of different types
Cerebral atherosclerosis & thrombosis.
Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis.
Spinal Cord Complications DM
Post column: Pyramidal tract: diabetic lateral Lordosis.
Peripheral Nerves in DM
Diabetic peripheral symmetrical neuropathy.
Proximal neuropathy: diabetic Amyotrophy.
Eye Complications of DM
CVS Complications in DM
Renal Complications of DM
Why Does Diabetes Increasre the risk of Infections?
Abnormalities in cell mediated immunity and phagocytic function
Diminished vascularity and autonomic dysfunction.
Effects of Infections on DM
Increasing insulin resistance leading to bad glycemic control.
Precipitation of diabetic ketoacidosis
NBs on DM
What are common infections in DM?
Prevention of Diabetic Infections
- Good glycemic control, good hygiene and vaccination with pneumococcal and influenza vaccines
TTT of Diabetic Infections
A. Proper diagnosis and early start of antimicrobial.
B. Use insulin during infection period if patient is on oral treatment.
Classification of Diabetes in Pregnancy
Pregestational diabetes: either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Gestational diabetes: carbohydrate intolerance that begin in pregnancy.
Risk Factors of Developing Gestational Diabetes
Effects of Pregnancy on Diabetec State
Effects of Diabetes on Pregnancy State
Whom to screen for Gestational DM?
- Universal screening for all pregnant women is better than screening women who have at least one risk factor for development of gestational diabetes.
How to Screen for Gestational DM?
Managment of Gestational DM
Diet in Gestational DM