L7: Parasitic Infections of The Liver Flashcards
Parasitic infections of the liver can present a difficult and fascinating diagnostic puzzle.
Diagnosis usually requires a careful history and physical examination
Sometimes travel history, occupation, and recreational exposures provide clues.
- For example, a variceal bleed in an Egyptian patient with no stigmata of chronic liver disease may prompt consideration of schistosomiasis
Parasites affecting the liver
Protozoa affecting the liver
Amebic hepatitis and amebic liver abscess
American trypanosomiasis (Chagas’ disease)
Leishmaniasis (Kala-azar)
Helminthes affecting the liver
Hepatic schistosomiasis
Clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis
Visceral larva migrans
CA of Ameobic Liver Abscess
Entamoeba histolytica.
Transmission of Ameobic Liver Abscess
Ingestion of contaminated food.
Distribution of Ameobic Liver Abscess
worldwide; more in tropics and areas with poor sanitation.
age affected by Ameobic Liver Abscess
usually between 20 and 40 years of age.
E. histolytica usually causes …..
Sex affected by Ameobic Liver Abscess
More frequent in males
Liver affection results when organisms traverse the bowel wall and reach the liver via the portal vein.
Hepatic amebiasis may be …..
a) Diffuse (acute non-suppurative hepatitis).
b) Amebic liver abscess.
Many patients were found to have severe immunosuppression, the most common causes being HIV and tuberculosis.
CP of Ameobic Liver Abscess
Symptoms of Ameobic Liver Abscess
Fever and abdominal pain: in 80-90% of patients.
Nausea, diarrhea, weight loss.
Cough: sometimes but not reliably present.
Amebic dysentery.
Signs of Ameobic Liver Abscess
INVx of Ameobic Liver Abscess
Investigations for Ameobic Liver Abscess
- Amoebic Serology
positive in 99% of patients.
Investigations for Ameobic Liver Abscess
- Amoebic Cysts
may present in stools.
Investigations for Ameobic Liver Abscess
- Imaging Of the Liver
- A single cavitating area is seen, often with areas of solid liver tissue within it; occasionally, multiple abscesses are seen.
Investigations for Ameobic Liver Abscess
Neutrophil leucocytosis is seen with mild anemia.
Investigations for Ameobic Liver Abscess
- ARPs
- Low albumin, raised CRP, ESR and alkaline phosphatase, elevation of transaminases and
- Rarely, raised bilirubin are found.
Investigations for Ameobic Liver Abscess
- Blood Culture
Investigations for Ameobic Liver Abscess
- Aspiration
If the abscess is aspirated: anchovy sauce color, it does not have a foul smell (anaerobic bacteria).
TTT of Ameobic Liver Abscess
TTT of Ameobic Liver Abscess
- metronidazole
Metronidazole: 750 mg 3 times a day orally for 10 days
- Curative in 90% of patients.
- The drug also is available for IV administration.
TTT of Ameobic Liver Abscess
- Tinidazole
Tinidazole, another nitroimidazole closely related to metronidazole, approved for the treatment of ALA and invasive amebiasis as effective as metronidazole.
TTT of Ameobic Liver Abscess
- Luminal Agents
- Administration of luminal agents (iodoquinol and paromomycin) should follow to eradicate E. histolytica residing in the colon.
TTT of Ameobic Liver Abscess
- Percutaneous aspiration
If needed, percutaneous aspiration of amebic liver abscesses can be safely performed
Possible Complications of Ameobic Liver Abscess
- The abscess may rupture into the abdominal cavity, the pleura, the lungs, or the pericardium.
- The infection can also spread to the brain.
Another Name of American Trypanosomiasis
Chagas Disease
CA of American Trypanosomiasis
Caused by a protozoa (T. cruzi)
What transmits T.Cruzi?
Transmitted by the red winged bug (kissing bug).
CP of American Trypanosomiasis
- Hepatosplenomegaly and mildly abnormal liver enzymes are common in the acute phase.
- With the development of cardiomyopathy, passive liver congestion is commonly seen with chronic disease.
- Other gastrointestinal manifestations include megacolon and megaesophagus.
Trypomastigote & Amastigotes in American Trypanosomiasis
CA of Leishmaniasis
Caused by protozoan parasites transmitted by the sand fly in tropical regions.
MOT of Visceral Leishmaniasis
Infection can be localized to the skin or spread throughout the reticuloendothelial system.
Kala-azar refers to ……
severe visceral leishmaniasis