L1: Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers Flashcards
Case Presentation of VHF
DDx of VHF
Def of VHF
Different Famelies of VHF
Survival dependent on an animal or insect host, for the natural reservoir
Site of Filoviridae
Case Fatality of Filoviridae
Agents of Filoviridae
Site of Arenaviridae
Agents of Arenaviridae
Case Fatality of Arenaviridae
Site of Bunyaviridae
Agent of Bunyaviridae
Case Fatality of Bunyaviridae
Site of Flaviviridae
Agents of Flaviviridae
Case Fatality of Flaviviridae
Genome of VHF
All are single-stranded RNA.
Structure of VHF
All are enveloped (transmission by foods or drinks???)
Infectivity of VHF
- Infectious during viremia stage.
- Low infectivity dose (1-10 viruses can cause infections).
Reservoir of VHF
Humans are not the natural reservoir but accidentally infected when comes in contact with infected hosts.
Outbreaks of VHF
Human outbreaks are sporadic and irregular.
Infectivity of Humans in VHF
Human infected can infect another human
Type of VHF
- VHFs are zoonosis: Animal hosts (Rodents) and arthropod vectors are main reservoirs.
- Bite of infected arthropod (ticks or mosquitos)
- Aerosol from infected rodent excreta
- Direct contact with infected animals / carcasses or fomites
Pathogenesis of VHF
Target organ of VHF
The target organ is the vascular bed (hemorrhage)
Replication of VHF
The replication of virus is intracellularly
What do VHF release?
Cytokine release leads to shock and hypotension.
What do cytokines of VHF cause?
- Affects Platelet functions and numbers (thrombocytopenia)
- Affects bone marrow and clotting factors.
Initial Symptoms of VHF
 Marked fever
 Dizziness
Muscle aches
 Exhaustion
More severe symptoms of VHF
 Bleeding under skin ( Petechiae, ecchymosis, conjunctivitis )
 Bleeding in internal organs
 Bleeding from orifices
Blood loss rarely cause of death
Dx of VHF
Hx in VHF
Case Definition in VHF
Investigations in VHF
Agents of Filoviridae
{Marburg virus - Ebola virus}
History of Filoviridae
CFR of Filoviridae
Fatality rate (CFR) approaches 90%.
Transmission of Filoviridae
The virus was transmitted to humans from wild animals.
Natural Host of Filoviridae
- Fruit Bats are considered as the natural host for the virus.
- Other reservoirs rodents
History of Arenaviridae
Reservoir of Arenaviridae
Virus transmission and amplification occurs in rodents.
MOT of Arenaviridae
History of Bunyaviridae
Genera of Bunyaviridae
5 genera with over 350 viruses
MOT of Bunyaviridae
Agents of Flaviviridae
 Dengue virus
 Yellow Fever virus
 Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever virus
 Kyasanur Forest Disease virus
MOT of Flaviviridae
MOT of Kyasanur Forest Virus
Ixodid tick
MOT of Yellow Fever and Dengue viruses
- Aedes aegypti
-  Sylvatic cycle  Urban cycle
MOT of Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever virus
Muskrat urine, feces, or blood
IP of Yellow Fever
Short ( 3 - 6 days.
CP of Yellow Fever
Initial Symptoms of Yellow Fever
Toxic Phase of Yellow Fever
Vaccine of Yellow Fever
- Vaccine is available and indicated to travels to endemic area
Type & Dose of Vaccine of Yellow Fever
live-attenuated vaccine, live-attenuated vaccine, single dosesingle dose
Indications of Yellow Fever Vx
To > 9 months travelers or living in endemic areasTo > 9 months travelers or living in endemic areas
Immunity & Protection of Yellow Fever
- Immunity in 1 week in 95 % of people
- Protection for 30 - 35 year
Specific TTT of Yellow Fever
Geography of Dengue Fever
Americas, Asia & Africa
Vectors of Dengue Fever
 Aedes aegypti
 Aedes albopictus.
Transmission of Dengue Fever
Site of Replication of Dengue Fever
Virus replicates in mosquitos.
IP of Dengue Fever
3-14 days
Vx of Dengue Fever
Characters of Four Dengue Virus Serotypes
CP of Dengue Virus
1- Undifferentiated fever
2- Classic Dengue Fever
3- Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
4- Dengue Shock Syndrome
Classic Dengue Fever
Hge in Classic Dengue Fever
Severe Hemorrhage mainly retro-ocular
Fever in Classic Dengue Fever
Myalgia & arthralgia - often severe (break bone fever)
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)
Most serious form of Dengue Fever
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)
- (Mortality = 10%; high as 50% )
Diagnostic Criteria of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)
Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS)
Prevention & Control of Dengue Fever
Avoid contact with host species
If human case occurs ….
 Decrease person-to-person transmission
 Isolation of infected individuals
Disinfect and dispose of instruments
Use a 0.5% solution of sodium hypochlorite (1:10 dilution of bleach)
TTT of Dengue Fever
Ribavirin in Dengue Fever
 Not approved by FDA
 Effective in some individuals
 Arenaviridae and Bunyaviridae only
Convalescent-phase plasma in Dengue Fever
Argentine HF, Bolivian HF and Ebola